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“Terminator” star Edward Furlong (45): New teeth, new love

He fought alongside John Connor in 1991’s Terminator 2 Arnold Schwarzenegger against the evil robot from the future, became a teen crush overnight.

Edward Furlong (45) is hardly recognizable today. In Los Angeles, the ex-child star was discovered anyway – with new teeth. And on a date with a blonde.

Over the past few years, images have repeatedly appeared that showed and shocked a neglected, toothless man. They showed Edward Furlong, who had ruined his pearly whites through years of alcohol and drug abuse.

Help, this is Edward Furlong too! Before he had his teeth fixed by specialists at Global Implant Dentistry in California, he saw a horrific sight in his mouth


According to his own statement, Furlong has been clean again for five years, trying to get his life back on track and hoping for a big Hollywood comeback. In the course of this he also get new teeth done.

He proudly showed it to the world last year, declaring, “Every time I looked in the mirror, it reminded me of what I’d been doing all these years.” By that he meant his meth and heroin addiction, because of that his teeth had fallen out.

Furlong became world famous in this role in 1991: he played alongside Arnold Schwarzenegger in “Terminator 2: Judgment Day”.

Foto: picture alliance / Everett Collection

His date is no stranger

Now one wonders again: The blonde, who is now very familiar with Edward Furlong on a date with food and drinks in hand, boots through Los Angeles and was photographed, is his ex actress Monica Keena (43, “Dawson’s Creek”). The two have a dark past in common.

Monica Keena and Edward Furlong in 2011 at a film premiere in Los Angeles. They had an on-off relationship from 2008 to 2013

Foto: BDG/Shutterstock

After the two had had a turbulent on-off relationship for years, she really didn’t want to have anything to do with him anymore. Almost ten years ago, Monica Keena even obtained a restraining order against Furlong in court – because of domestic violence.

Reconciliation between Edward Furlong and his ex?

But now they are said to have found each other again. Furlong and Keena didn’t just walk around Los Angeles together. Monica was also spotted leaving Edward’s apartment a month ago after staying the night there.

And also after their current dinner date, where the two loudly „Daily Mail“ grabbed takeout from a healthy salad restaurant in West Hollywood, they are said to have disappeared back into Edward’s apartment together.

Neither of the two has officially confirmed whether Monica has left the ex with ex-girlfriend. But you can see that they understand each other brilliantly again.

“Never give up,” Edward Furlong wrote on Instagram while celebrating his now drug-free life three months ago. And further: “The fact that I made it 5 years blew me away. Mainly because I hadn’t even made it a year before.”

“Life can be really damn hard sometimes,” sums up Furlong, whose great Hollywood career has been on hold for years.

In love, however, it seems to be working again for the 45-year-old. Let’s see if this becomes a long-running issue…

Edward Furlong dreams of a Hollywood comeback with new teeth

Foto: Getty Images

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