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Tesla: faced with repeated accidents, the United States is investigating autonomous driving

This is news that should not reassure investors … or make the US auto giant’s stock market rise again. After a few complicated months, Tesla is sinking a little deeper into controversy. The US Financial Markets Safety Agency has decided to investigate Tesla’s autonomous driving.

Would there have been false advertising at Tesla. What is certain is that if one sells a normally “autonomous” car, and that this one is not entirely so, there is indeed a certain lie in the sale. This is precisely what the American Financial Markets Security Agency is trying to find out by immersing itself in the technology of the American brand.

Tesla: repeated accidents, the United States is investigating autonomous autopilot © Pixabay

While Tesla’s Terms of Service do state that drivers must keep their hands on the steering wheel of their vehicle at all times while the vehicle is in motion, a promotional video put online on the Tesla site shows a motorist, in the middle of town, the hands on knees. It did not take more for the American investigators to begin their investigation to false advertising. The latter thus began to dive back into the various reports pointing out the security and the reliability systems of the American brand. An investigation that does not come at the right time for Tesla.

In addition, another video dating from 2016, and for which Elon Musk would have played a very particular role, would exaggerate the real capacities of the autopilot of Tesla cars. Misleading statements that would not encourage motorists to be cautious.

To read : Tesla: record of deaths and accidents in Autopilot

Damaged Teslas: Autopilot not so autonomous?

In recent months, many serious incidents have marred the balance sheet of the American firm. Car catching fire, recharging problems or even traffic accidents have repeated themselves in recent weeks. In China a few months ago, a serious accident involving a Tesla model Y had, for example, caused the death of the 2 occupants of the vehicle.

More recently, an accident of another Tesla autonomous car had caused a gigantic pileup in the United States. In total, 6 people died in 2022 in their Tesla vehicle. A sad record for the American brand.

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