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Test drilling: bomb in the Union Quarter? City of Dortmund reports suspected point

There could be a bomb at Dortmund’s Westpark: the city reports a suspicious spot in the Unionviertel. But that’s not certain yet.

In the middle of the densely populated Dortmund Union district could a Bomb Duds lay. The city reports a suspected bomb site on the corner Barmer Strasse/Kurze Strasse at Westpark.

The suspicion point was at Preparations for construction work turned off. However, the test drilling has not yet been scheduled, emphasizes the city’s press office. Usually there is a 50/50 chance of actually finding a dud on bomb suspect points.

For the bomb probing before the start of the construction site, a cherry must also be felled, it is said. Barmer Strasse near the west parks is a popular one in spring photo motif: Many old ornamental cherries line this and neighboring streets in the district and turn them into a pink sea of ​​flowers in May.

Bomb defusing in Dortmund – This might interest you:

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