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Texas Restarts Inspections of Trucks Crossing the US

Laredo, Texas.- Once again, Governor Greg Abbott imposed inspection on all trucks that cross from Mexico to the United States, a measure that has received much criticism, and that causes great loss of time for carriers, which in addition to generate a strong fatigue and economic losses.

Inspections resumed; however, only on the “Los Tomates” international bridge, between Matamoros, Tamaulipas, and Brownsville, Texas.

In response, Congressman Henry Cuellar expressed his dissatisfaction with the measure. He maintains that it is a tactic to hinder the flow of entry from Mexico to the United States, as happened more than a year ago when Greg Abbott implemented the same rule.

Cuellar explained that the officers who carry out the inspections are only authorized to do mechanical checks, such as checking brakes and windshield wipers, therefore, they are not allowed to search the boxes or the interior of the trucks.

Despite the foregoing and once again ignoring the laws and the flow of trade, Abbott once again orders these inspections, which, according to what he says, have the objective of interrupting the trafficking of drugs, arms and migrants across the border, which In addition, it does not correspond to it because it is a federal matter.

In April 2022, with this same measure, Governor Greg Abbot forced the governors of Tamaulipas, Nuevo León, Coahuila and Chihuahua to commit to something that is not within their reach: stop the illegal trafficking of people and drugs that are consumed in the US market.

“If those expectations are not met and we see an increase or even a continuation of the illegal immigration traffic that we are currently seeing, Texas may reinstate enhanced security measures for commercial vehicles crossing the border,” Abbott said at the time.

Recent weeks have seen a notable uptick in migrants arriving at the Texas-Mexico border, and with the federal Title 42 order expiring just days away, the Governor will likely use that to order again that these inspections be carried out that do not correspond to state authorities.

The border between Matamoros and Brownsville is one of the most affected by the wave of migrants who are there and continue to arrive.

The measure is added to many others that Greg Abbott has recently announced to prevent the illegal crossing of migrants, such as the deployment of a new National Guard unit that will operate with helicopters.

Source: The Financial

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