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That was the case at this year’s May Day demonstration in Sandviken

– Making one’s voice heard is a democratic right that we want to protect, says Per Almén, who was one of the estimated 200 people who had applied to Jerntorget in Sandviken to participate in this year’s May Day train.

The event was attended by Ida Karkiainen, who was previously minister of civil affairs in Magdalena Andersson’s (S) government and who now chairs the Riksdag’s constitutional committee:

– It’s really the same purpose as it was when you started demonstrating in the labor movement and it’s about creating better conditions for life, says Ida Karkiainen (S)

After her speech in Sandviken, Ida Karkiainen went on to Gävle to make her next appearance in Gästrikland.

In the clip, you can see glimpses of this year’s May Day train in Sandviken and we talk to some of those who took part.

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