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That was Tove’s last hours before she lost her life

In police interviews with the 20-year-old woman, she tells her version of what happened during Tove’s last hours of life.

Tove’s boyfriend has also been heard about what happened during the day. He called Tove at 1am and asked if she would come home soon. Then she said she was on her way home to the 20-year-old. The next morning, he can’t get hold of his girlfriend when he tries to call her.

In the clip above, you see the images from the pub’s surveillance cameras just before the 21-year-old was strangled to death and you hear what her last hours of life were like, according to interviews with the boyfriend and the 20-year-old murder suspect.

Clung on as the other choked Tove

On Friday, charges were brought against the two young women, 20 and 18 years old, respectively, who are suspected of murder and grave breach of peace.

According to the indictment, the 20-year-old woman allegedly strangled Tove’s neck while she was lying on the floor. At the same time, the 18-year-old has held Tove’s arms, which she denies.

Denied for a long time

The women denied the suspicions for a long time, but in connection with the older woman changing her defense lawyer, just before Christmas, some concessions were made. Including she admitted that Tove had died in her apartment, but that it was assault, not murder. She also admitted that she had moved Tove’s body and put it in the woods.

The younger woman also admitted trespassing, but said she had been drunk and had been asleep when Tove died. According to her lawyer, she should have felt compelled to participate in the movement of the body.

The trial begins on March 27 in Eksjö district court and will last four days.

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