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The 10 best horror games for PlayStation 3

Sony’s third console, the PlayStation 3 was the first not to completely dominate the market. Between high values ​​at launch and strong competition from Microsoft, however, it is not possible to say that video games were not the home of big names, among new franchises, experiments by renowned creators and titles that continued a tradition of horror.

It was on the PS3, after all, that one of Sony’s main franchises to date was born, The Last of Usas well as a horror trilogy from the unusual hands of Electronic Arts: Dead Space??

While resident Evil rushed to the action side after the fourth game in the series, Capcom fulfilled the dream of many fans by popularizing one of the greatest remakes of all time, as well as experimenting with a new Survival Horror option in a sub-brand.

Thinking about all these titles, the canaltech listed the top 10 horror games for the PlayStation 3.

10. Siren: Blood Curse

A console from a Japanese brand could not do without good Japanese horror, and here we are talking about a proposal that comes from within. Developed by a dedicated studio within Sony, Siren: Blood Curse features different characters exploring the terrors of an abandoned village in the Asian country and is focused on stealth and saving resources, as well as the wisdom in the use of weapons and equipment.

Siren: Blood Curse it’s like a reimagining of the first game in the series, but with new mechanics and elements. The protagonists’ stories unfold in separate chapters, but they connect and assemble a terrifying whole, where the dead have returned to life in an isolated location that houses a mysterious cult and is home to an equally frightening god.

9. Alice: Madness Returns

Here too we have a reimagining, but of a story that is already naturally bizarre. Lewis Carrooll’s story takes on horror contours in this sequel, which throws us once again into the fantastic and corrupted world, where not so friendly creatures reside and nothing is exactly what it seems.

Alice: Madness Returns brings back the protagonist devastated by a family tragedy, who returns to this inverted universe as a way to get rid of this trauma and learn the truth about her past. Along the way, there are enemies, enigmas and different approaches to the original fable of the character, now transformed with a beautiful touch of the horror created by American McGee, from the classics doom??

8. Shadows of the Damned

A union of great minds gave rise to a game full of personality. Shinji Mikami, from resident Eviland Goichi “Suda51” Suda, from No More Heroescome together to mix action and terror in the saga of Garcia Hotspur, whose girlfriend is kidnapped by a group of demons who want revenge precisely because he is a hunter of this type of creature.

Shadows of the Damned brings references to Mexican culture, trash horror and also Survival Horror games, while its protagonist wields a talking gun and an arsenal of equipment to send the creatures back to hell. It won’t be that easy, after all Garcia is in enemy territory, where even the dark can suck his energy and lead him to undesirable and tortuous paths.


Mixing the first-person shooter that was so successful at the time with horror, this game from the developer Monolith places the player as a member of an elite group dedicated to the investigation of paranoid phenomena. Not everything, however, can be solved with machine guns, especially when the opponent has psychic powers and the appearance of a little girl, being the object of secret military studies.

FEAR started a franchise that travels well between the two universes it proposes, frightening as much as it puts the user in control of the situation and with an arsenal to defend himself. Destructible scenarios and a particle system help with immersion, starting a franchise that would yield two more titles and even a meme that baptized one of the great creators of gamer content in Brazil.

6. Resident Evil Revelations

The game originally released for the Nintendo 3DS comes at a time when the Capcom series was heading towards action. While the main titles focused on shooting, space opened up for an almost television experimentation on the portable console, in a game that later showed all its strength in a remaster for the table consoles of the time.

Resident Evil Revelations brings Chris and Jill back together, albeit not side by side, at least initially. He disappeared, and when she goes to look for him, it is the policewoman who disappears, creating a chained plot that takes place aboard a ship dominated by creatures and in the icy mountains of Finland, in the hunt for a terrorist group directly inspired by Dante’s Inferno. .

5. Limbo

When you’re a kid afraid of the dark, absolutely anything can be a danger. Especially when you are in an unknown world, explored in a trial and error gameplay in which the user is invited to fall into the traps to understand how they work and be able to move forward.

Limbo, by Playdead, is a classic that puts us in a world of dreams and nightmares as a little boy searches for his sister. With little music, atmospheric sound effects and all in black and white, the game invests in noir elements to not only create the atmosphere, but also leave its mark as one of the best indie games ever made.

4. Dead Space

One of the greats of space horror is about to return, but it was on the PlayStation 3 that he was born. From the hands of a company that we always remember when it comes to sports games comes a different and incredibly violent proposal, where the best way to survive is to slash your enemies before they do the same to you.

Isaac Clarke is the protagonist of this adventure that is both futuristic and decrepit. A message from his girlfriend leads him to the Ishimura, a ship that has completely lost contact and is now filled with demonic creatures, the result of a bizarre experiment with an artifact. Learning to use the light gun and shoot in the right spot is essential to surviving in the hostile environment of Dead Space??

3. Dead Space 2

The double quote is worth the fact that we are talking about two of the best horror games of this generation of consoles. And if the first one impressed, wait to see what Visceral Games did in the sequel, more mature and with new elements, while the protagonist’s deteriorated mental health mixes with the real terrors he faces in the face of a new horde of necromorphic monsters.

Clarke, once again, is at the center of the plot, with Dead Space 2 taking place on a space station. With more beautiful graphics and, mainly, a dive into the protagonist’s mind, the second game in the series is more personal and intimate, but at the same time features grandiose scenes and opponents that contrast with each other. Highlight for the good use of lighting and sounds as a way to make the environment even more oppressive.

2. Resident Evil

The first game of the franchise has already appeared in our list dedicated to PlayStation, and now it appears again in a remastered version that showed everyone how Capcom, still at the beginning of the wave of remakes, showed how to recreate a classic. Designer Shinji Mikami returns to the helm to bring back one of his masterpieces and, in the process, create a new one.

After an exclusive season on Nintendo consoles, the remake of resident Evil reached more platforms to retell the story of Chris, Jill and their first brush with the horrors of Umbrella. The game brought everything the original had, improved, and introduced new areas, monsters and challenges, becoming a must-have title for every horror fan.

1. The Last of Us

One of Sony’s biggest franchises is off to a bad start. From the exciting opening scene to the last moment, Joel and Ellie’s saga for a world that has already become accustomed to the apocalypse makes the player question their decisions, fight for survival and talk resources in an environment where everything is thirsty for blood.

On a violent trip across the United States, The Last of Us mixes a touching story with influences from Survival Horror classics. Between stealth and shooting, the user learns what it takes to move forward, and here we are not just talking about combat against creatures or human opponents, but also about personal tragedies and a feeling of abandonment, with hope in what remains. of humanity in the hot seat.

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