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The 12 strokes of noon: the funny fad of Eric, former Grand Master of noon, told by Jean-Luc Reichmann

This Sunday, May 7 in The 12 noon shotsJean-Luc Reichmann told an anecdote about Eric, former Grand Master of noon, having fun with his rather particular mania.

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For nearly thirteen years, Jean-Luc Reichmann has been presenting daily The 12 noon shots on TF1, and the success of the show is still there. Every day, the 62-year-old host asks various and varied questions to his candidates, and, in between, he takes the opportunity to chat a little with them to get to know them better. Moreover, in the issue of Sunday, May 7, Jean-Luc Reichmann was challenged by the hobby of one of the candidates of the show who loves to watch somewhat special videos. “I was told about carpet cleaning videos”he launched to the candidate who felt a bit embarrassed before explaining.

“Does that mean you can sit for minutes watching a carpet cleaning?”

“On Instagram, we often scroll. And it’s true that once, I came across a carpet cleaning video. They were carpets that were very, very dirty, and they use a lot of utensils. It’s very satisfying to see the carpets that are all clean at the end. It’s true that it’s very satisfying”, she said. Taken aback, Jean-Luc Reichmann said to him with a slightly mocking air: “Does that mean you can stay for minutes watching a carpet cleaning? I didn’t know that existed, ma’am.”

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A surprising mania of Eric during the cleaning

This story reminded Jean-Luc Reichmann of an anecdote about Éric, a former Maître de midi, who has an equally astonishing passion. “He watched his tiles dry. He sat quietly, cushy, and he watched his tiles dry”, he said, still flabbergasted at this idea, concerning the one who participated in 199 shows. The host then swung: “You look at the carpet cleaning. I want to say, this woman deserves applause. This is magnificent!” The public then launched into applause at the request of Jean-Luc Reichmann, before he resumed the course of the show.

Article written with the collaboration of 6Medias.

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