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“The 49.3 then the fever”: pension reform and Macron’s “forced transition” to the front page of the press this Friday

Many newspapers this Friday morning see a defeat of the executive in the use of 49.3 to pass the pension reform. Some dailies believe that the social movement should continue in the coming days.

A 49.3, tense debates in the National Assembly and a “reinvigorated” social movement. This Thursday, March 16 was marked by many adventures which will be decisive for the future of the pension reform, considered to have been adopted after the use of article 49.3 of the Constitution by Elisabeth Borne. A political choice on the front page of many newspapers this Friday morning.

“The 49.3 then the fever”, headline The voice of the North, which thus returns to the demonstrations organized throughout the country to protest against the decision of the government.

On a national level, Release points Emmanuel Macron as the main responsible for the pension crisis. “His fault”, can we read in capital letters on the front page of the left-wing daily, which considers that Elisabeth Borne is a “Beleaguered Prime Minister” and that the strikers are “reinvigorated”.

“The battle is far from over”

Always on the left, Humanity denounces “the arm of honor to the people” made by “the Macron-Borne couple.” The newspaper founded by Jean Jaurès refers here to the gestures of Eric Dupond-Moretti in the National Assembly a few days ago and, on the pension reform, affirms that “the battle is far from over.”

“After the use of 49.3, the executive weakened and isolated”, title for its part Le Figarowho believes that by opting for “the passage in force”, Elisabeth Borne revives the union protest and exposes herself to a motion of censure.

An assertion confirmed in the evening: throughout the country, thousands of people spontaneously protested against the use of 49.3. The unions, for their part, have called for a new major mobilization date on March 23.

As for the motion of censure, the opposition should rally behind Charles de Courson and members of the LIOT group to table a transpartisan text.

“What a circus!”

The cross also puts in a 49.3 which “ignites the National Assembly”, when The Parisian sees in the use of this constitutional weapon “the security” that the government has decided to privilege.

“Emmanuel Macron and Elisabeth Borne (dreaded) not to obtain a majority”, recalls the Ile-de-France daily. “A 49.3… What’s next?” asks Le Dauphiné Liberated.

“What a circus!” finally title the Free Lunch, claiming that “Macron passes in force with 49.3” This daily broadcast in the south of France also echoes the Parisian demonstration on Thursday evening, evoking tensions in the Place de la Concorde.

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