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The accused of stabbing his ex-partner 13 times in Villa Bonita was arrested in Alba Posse

Wednesday, January 18, 2023 | 8:59 a.m.

Investigators from the Misiones Police Regional Unit II arrested Adrián Zuachzer (26), the man who stabbed his ex-partner in Villa Bonita, was on the run and harassed her on social media.

The procedure took place at 6 this Wednesday in the town of Alba Posse, where agents from the Oberá Investigations Division and the Villa Bonita Police Station, in the midst of an important deployment, detained the defendant who until now had been a fugitive. .

From the moment of the event, which occurred on December 22, 2022, the Police worked on the search and capture throughout the province, carrying out specific surveillance in places where he would have relatives who could provide him with refuge.

Meanwhile, the victim had permanent custody by the Police, and told the agents that the attacker continued to harass her by telephone through different profiles on social networks.

For this reason, the Cybercrime Department proceeded to sweep the satellite search, locating the point where the fugitive activated his profile, locating it in the vicinity of the area known as the “air strip” in Alba Posse. There, he was captured after an extensive operation in the mountain area on the coast of the Uruguay River.

Not ruling out that the person involved could move illegally across the river, the joint action was ordered, with the support of the Civil Police and the Santa Rosa Brazil Military Brigade, who provided relevant information for the course of the investigation that culminated this Wednesday.

In addition, with respect to the victim and his family group, while the defendant was a fugitive, different Oberá agencies provided them with permanent custody, as well as accompaniment by professionals in the mental health area.

For these hours, the Investigating Judge No. 2 of Oberá, ordered that the already detainee be housed in police headquarters and be notified of the criminal case for which he is accused.

A relationship tainted by conflicts

After what happened, the parents of Marcia Noemí Mattoso told El Territorio that over the years of living with the aggressor, the victim filed several complaints of violence and a ban on approaching was currently in force. It is also true that on more than one occasion they resumed a clearly toxic relationship. The last complaint, the last alert dismissed by the authorities, occurred in early December.

“He manipulated my daughter a lot and she didn’t see reason. That’s why I went to the police station and asked to be arrested. He even sent threatening messages to us. But they did nothing, he continued free and attacked my daughter in front of everyone, ”said Mariela, the victim’s mother.

For his part, Carlos Mattoso mentioned that the attacker “did not even respect his children. He never liked working and lived on his salary; but when the money ran out, he was crazy ”.

In this context, concerned about the situation of their eldest daughter, the week before the event they asked another daughter to accompany her in Villa Bonita, at least for a few days. They never imagined that the girl would witness the brutal attack.

In this sense, the father begged that “now the authorities take seriously what he is capable of doing, because for nine years he made my daughter’s life hell.”

For her part, the mother remarked that “there were complaints and restrictions, but the Police only started to move now. When I asked for help for my daughter, the Villa Bonita police station told me that they couldn’t do it without the authorization of a judge. Then the worst has to happen for them to act”.

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