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The artificial intelligence war is declared between the digital giants

The leader in the field of artificial intelligence “will become the master of the world”. Is this a quote from Stephen Hawking? Elon Musk? Joe Biden? No… by Vladimir Putin, in front of Russian students in 2017. If there is, at the moment, a single conviction shared by Moscow, Washington and Beijing, it is that artificial intelligence (AI) could reshuffle the cards power. Economic power of companies, sovereign power of nations. Because AI, if it keeps its promises, is on the way to turning everything upside down: industry, agriculture, commerce, leisure, culture, education, health… but also defense and geopolitics.

In this algorithmic arms race, the United States is well placed. From Meta (Facebook) to Amazon, from Alphabet (Google) to IBM or Microsoft, the American digital champions have already been competing in this field for many years. Their fratricidal fight escalated on January 23, when Microsoft announced an investment of 10 billion dollars to become the privileged partner of OpenAI, the parent company of ChatGPT, a conversational robot so sophisticated that we take it easily for a human.

Within a week, more than a million Earthlings rushed to test this AI so-called “generative”, that is to say, which can create original content from scratch. As for companies, they all wonder how this type of software can affect their business.

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