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The astonishment: the illness for a strong emotion that causes headaches, hypersensitivity and swelling

Have you ever suffered a fright? This is a disease that suele presents itself after a strong emotion already menudo is contemplated within traditional medicine in various cultures originating in America.

Rafael Cepeda, psychologist and academic at the Faculty of UNAM medicine, explained in UNAM Global about this condition and how it is treated traditionally.

“This weakening comes from the loss of ‘Tonalli’, which is called the caloric and light forces that come from the sun and that absorbs the body. For that reason, when a person is scared he can lose that vital strength and the ‘Tonalli’ can leave “immediately”.

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A strong emotion can cause high levels of glucose, cortisol, adrenaline: if this stress is chronic it leads to digestive problems, heart problems, insomnia. Photo: Istock

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What is the astonishment, what are your symptoms?

The astonishment forms part of a group of traditional illnesses in Latin America, among them the mal de ojo, the empacho and the mal de aire.

Also when someone is startled by an impact as strong as an assault, the body or the sympathetic nervous system prepares for survival.

Monday UNAM, in the context of pre-Hispanic, Nahuatl cosmovision mainly, there are two main types of illnesses:

  • Las orgánicas or ailments Physicists related to skin and skin.
  • The effects caused by supernatural forces, where the astonishment and the evil eye appear.

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Astonishment forms part of a group of traditional Latinoamerican ailments, including mal de ojo, empacho and mal de aire. Photo: Istock

What are the symptoms of El Espanto?

  • Debilitation.
  • Sleep with shocks.
  • Indifferent to context and food.
  • Sadness and anguish.
  • Headaches.
  • Cold, especially on the extremities.
  • Hypersensitivity
  • Stomach bloating and vomiting (in some regions).
When an event of strong impact occurs, a subject is scared or amazed and can lose that vital strength. “Soon sale ese Tonalli”. Photo: Istock

How does El Espanto damage your body?

  • It secretes adrenaline (increases heart rate, dilates the airways and constricts blood vessels) and cortisol (an important hormone that controls blood pressure).
  • The heart becomes hyperactive. It sends a greater blood flow, mainly to the extremities, for a fight or wet response.
  • It inhibits the metabolism of the digestive system because it increases blood pressure and heart rate “to defend against salir rushing”.
When experiencing a very strong emotion due to fright or disgust, your body will produce adrenaline hormones that act against insulin production, which triggers glucose levels.

Photo: Istock

¿How to cure from El Espanto?

The treatment of any mental and emotional disorder must be transdisciplinary. The causes of stress, for example, are attacked with psychological treatment and with pharmacological, family and social support.

Certain rituals and remedies are also used that are part of traditional Latin medicine.


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