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The Attorney General made a radical decision for his family in the face of a threat from Gustavo Petro

Francisco Barbosa, Attorney General of the Nation. Colpress.

Given the statement of the president Gustavo Petrowho pointed out that because he is head of state, he is the hierarchical superior of the Office of the Attorney General of the Nation, currently led by Francisco Barbosahe warned that his family will leave the country due to what he considers a threat of the agent

Barbosa, at a press conference, assured that what happened today is much more serious than a constituentwhich is a mechanism that must go through the Congress of the Republic and has constitutional control.

“What happened today is that a President of the Republic, basically, submitted through a comment, a sentence, historically, that he is the head of the Attorney General of the Nation because he is the head of State. If that were the case, the Supreme Court of Justice would also be subordinate to the president,” he asserted, stressing that Petro would go as far as the people demand and not as far as the Political Constitution allows.

In the same way, he invited Petro to write less in Twitter and explain what you want for the country.

“Beyond trills, I invite you to put your face to the country, as I and the magistrates have done. I don’t know if I’m talking to a robot. Say what his policy is in Colombia in the face of the Constitution, ”he pointed out.

According to Barbosa, the only thing he knows is that today He works as Attorney General of the Nation without the necessary guarantees to be in this position.

“Today, all my safety and that of my family at this moment is at risk. I have no guarantee that they won’t kill me in the next few days or that something will happen to me in Colombia, but I am not a coward. I am not going to flee Colombia on a plane, ”he warned.

He noted that he will remain in the fulfillment of his management and will put the face to the Colombians.

“I will tell Colombians that I remain, as one more Colombian, as a citizen, that I feel proud of having been born in this country, that I feel proud of its institutions, that I feel proud of the history of my family, of my parents, my grandparents, my great-grandparents, all the people who preceded me and were decent people, who actively participated in the daily life of Colombians, and all the officials who work in the regions,” he added. .

stated that “Colombia is one Colombia, not many”and in this sense, as a prosecutor, your job is to guarantee that the function you have, which is to investigate facts that constitute a crime and relevant facts that have the constitution of a crime so that they can be resolved soon.

He also noted that all the sectional directors of the country were summoned to explain to them that they continue the functions of the justice service, that what happened with Petro does not mean the paralysis of the Statebut it will continue to function calmly and legal measures will be taken to protect the entity, since it feels that this is a violation of the judicial branch and the Attorney General’s Office.

He noted that there are several alternatives to defend oneself, one of them is the request for precautionary measures to the Inter-American Court on behalf of the Prosecutor’s Office. Also criminal complaints will be considered.

After the President of the Republic, Gustavo PetroUse the article 115 of the Colombian Magna Carta to reiterate that it is the boss of the Attorney General of the Nation, Francisco Barbosareceived a vehement call for attention from the Supreme Court of Justice.

The magistrate Fernando Castillo Cadena, president of the high court and in charge, together with his counterparts, of choosing the leader of the accusing body as stipulated by the Constitutionreminded the president that the prosecutor, as he belongs to the Judicial Branch, “He has no hierarchical superior.”

In his statement, the togado assured that he was left “troubled” following the statements that Petro sent on the morning of Thursday, May 5, in which he not only assured that the prosecutor Barbosa owed him subserviencebut he questioned it for interpreting it in a wrong way “wrong” the article he used to defend himself against the questions that rained down on him after his statements, made from Madrid, Spain.

“The Supreme Court of Justice registers with great concern the erroneous interpretation of the Article 115 of the Political Constitutioncarried out and disseminated in the last few hours by the President of the Republic, because he ignores judicial autonomy and independence, the founding clause of Colombian democracy and an essential pillar of the social State of Law,” Judge Castillo asserted.

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