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The austerity of the six-year term will end up being very expensive: IP

He private sector has requested that the government of the 4T consult the domes to discuss the impacts that the disappearance of institutions Due to the austerity to the closing of the six-year term.

Mining, tourism, aviation, education and other sectors are affected by budget cuts

“From the National Confederation of Industrial Chambers (Concamin), we are committed to adding for Mexico to the respectful and participatory dialogue with the legislators to strengthen the mining reform proposal without neglecting the impacts that this may have on the more than 70 productive chains of our country, as an integral part of the strategy to strengthen national value chains”, noted said leadership.

The Employers’ Confederation of the Mexican Republic (Coparmex), for its part, has indicated that there will be impacts on the social and political sector due to the disappearance of the Executive Secretariat of the National Anti-Corruption System (SESNA) and transfer its responsibilities to the Secretariat of Public Function ( SFP).

Likewise, he warned about the reduction of functions of the National Fund for the Promotion of Tourism (Fonatur) and its impact on tourism development and the attraction of investments.

The National Agricultural Council (CNA) has indicated that the disappearance of Financiera Rural has left, because since December it has not delivered a loan, a financing gap in the primary sector that could translate into more costs that final consumers will absorb.

It may interest you: Coparmex alert on the initiative to dismantle Fonatur

In total, with more than 23 reform initiatives in terms of administrative simplification, 19 institutions are going to disappear or be reduced.

Others that stand out for their importance are the General Coordination of the Mexican Commission for Aid to Refugees (Comar); the Agrifood and Fisheries Information Service; the National Institute for the Elderly (INAPAM), among others.

“We state that the initiatives presented contain rules contrary to the constitutional framework, international treaties such as the TMEC and other commercial instruments, even violate individual liberties and human rights,” said the CCE.

In addition, the Business Coordinating Council (CCE) added that this reform goes contrary to what is required to promote further development of the mining industry and public infrastructure, to the detriment of the country.

Coparmex has indicated that appointments of officials are urgently needed in the National Institute of Transparency, Access to Information and Protection of Personal Data (INAI) and the

Concamin did the same in the case of the appointment of the head of the Taxpayer Defense Attorney (Prodecon).

He private sector anticipate that you are reforms they will be approved because the federal executive only needs the votes of his party, Morena, and his political allies.

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