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The autopsy revealed what the young woman who was found in an apartment in La Loma died of

The tragic death of a 22-year-old girl from La Plata in an apartment in La Loma still causes commotion and, while the investigation progresses, more details about what happened to her begin to be known. However, the investigators have not yet ruled out any possibility and are waiting for the results of more tests to finish determining how everything happened.

Police sources confirmed in dialogue with what the results of the preliminary autopsy revealed in the last hours that María Rosario Rodríguez died as a result of “heart failure” and also indicated that no signs of violence were found on her body.

The results of the examination, key to trying to determine what happened in the department of 24 between 44 and 45 where the young woman was found dead, support the main hypothesis of the researchers: a possible case of “excessive consumption of substances” . “In principle, we did not observe traces of violence in the body,” police sources had indicated to this medium and added that another woman and three men who had rented the property temporarily, over the weekend, had been identified in the place. long.


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