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The Ayatollahs’ Iran attacked Argentina; Nisman, victorious

The Ayatollahs' Iran attacked Argentina;  Nisman, victorious

The Iranian ayatollahs came out of the darkness and projected all their hatred into destructive anger by carrying out a direct bellicose offensive against Israel (04/13/2024). The war between both countries was carried out through third parties and is the first occasion of a full confrontation between both States since the founding of the Islamic Republic of Iran, 1979. Did they correctly calculate the war attack on Israel on its own national soil?

The defense of the Israeli Steel Dome is magnificent by neutralizing the massive Iranian missile attack. The swarm of invading ships that violated the sovereignty of the State of Israel was 320 aerial devices composed of ballistic missiles (120) and cruisers (30) and unmanned drones (170). 99% destroyed.

However, the thesis can be put forward that the direct bellicose offensive action on Israeli territory was an act of masking the recent reality to avoid the harsh denunciations confirmed by an Argentine court on the tangible conclusion that the terrorist attacks on the Argentine Israelite Mutual Association (AMIA) and the Israeli Embassy, ​​where the plans were drawn up by the ruling regime of Iran and executed by its closest collaborator Hezbollah.

The AMIA, headquarters of the Argentine Jewish community since 1894 and in the celebrations of its centenary, on July 18, 1994, its building was attacked and destroyed by the explosion of a car bomb, leaving 85 dead and more than 300 injured. , with psychological and emotional damage to 86 families and a nation. Likewise, the Israeli Embassy and Consulate was destroyed on March 17, 1992. This traumatic event caused 29 deaths and 242 injuries. All these victims are in the memory of the nation.

The last 30 years since the terrorist acts on the AMIA and the Israeli Embassy, ​​the partialization of the judicial system and the complicit immobility of the current governments (1992-2023) have cast a shadow of injustice and the true culprits remain unpunished from the beginning, the Iranian regime and the radical group Hezbollah, due to the absence of criminal measures for the definition of these crimes in the courts.

One of the cases of greatest corruption due to the concealment of these horrendous terrorist acts was President Cristina Fernández Kirchner (2007-2015), who managed an Argentina-Iran Memorandum of Understanding (2013), supposedly to resolve all this pending criminal process and it turned out be a cover for his government’s conspiracy to favor and exonerate guilt in the attacks on Iran, discovered by prosecutor Alberto Nismán.

The Argentine Congress with a predominance of the ruling party, Kirchnerism, in the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies, approved the Argentina-Iran Memorandum of Understanding by a majority and resistance from the opposition and it became the law of the country (2013). The relatives of the victims and the lawyers of the AMIA and DAIA (Delegation of Argentine Israeli Associations) considered these actions unconstitutional; which was also made firm by the Federal Court of Criminal Cassation of Argentina, on December 21, 2015.

When the Federal Court of Cassation defined the unconstitutionality of the memorandum, prosecutor Alberto Nismán had been dead for 11 months and 3 days, the case was officially closed as suicide. However, Nismán considered the unconstitutionality and also charged the criminal offense of concealing the truth about the AMIA murderers and treason for the memorandum of understanding to President Cristina Kirchner.

Prosecutor Nismán died from a gunshot wound to the head on January 18, 2015. He was preparing to participate in a presentation at the Criminal Legislation Commission of the Chamber of Deputies of Argentina. He would be heard by worthy parliamentarians on January 19, 2015. Nismán, four days earlier, had testified in the Federal Court No. 4 of Buenos Aires and later moved to the Criminal and Correctional Court No. 3 of the Federal Capital.

Federal prosecutor Gerardo Pollicita, head of the National Criminal and Federal Correctional Prosecutor’s Office No. 11, took the case prepared by his colleague and friend Alberto Nismán, where President Kirchner, Chancellor Héctor Timerman and other senior officials were accused. of the Argentine government and bureaucracy and Iranian administrative authorities and presented the request for investigation in the Criminal and Correctional Court No. 3, on February 17, 2015 and it was denied by Judge Daniel Rafecas, on February 26, 2015.

Prosecutor Pollicita’s appeals were dismissed by Chamber I of the Federal Chamber on March 26, 2015 and in the same year, on May 12, in the Chamber of Cassation. Almost 2 years later Criminalistics and Forensic Studies verified that prosecutor Alberto Nismán did not commit suicide, but had been murdered. To this day his criminals remain unpunished before justice.

The Federal Court of Criminal Cassation of Argentina, in the second instance, on September 18, 2023, annulled the dismissal of Cristina Fernández de Kirchner and others involved and favored, who was judged by the Argentina-Iran memorandum of understanding by which she was accused. prosecutor Alberto Nismán.

On April 12, 2024, the Court of Criminal Cassation approved in its ruling that the Ayatollahs’ Iran was the intellectual author of the terrorist attack on the AMIA and the Israeli Embassy in Buenos Aires and ordered the execution of the Hezbollah militia group and defined such a situation as a crime against humanity.

30 years to do justice and a quarter of the millineist government so that its values ​​of life, freedom and property guaranteed the rule of law and made justice independent and the evidence presented by Nismán were an evident reality of fair satisfaction to the victims of the terrorist massacre and families will find peace.

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