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The beautiful daughter of Karyme Lozano marries at the age of 22

The beautiful daughter of Karyme Lozano marries at the age of 22

Karyme Lozano is a beautiful soap opera actress that not long ago she commented that her eldest daughter, whom she had with the actor Aitor Iturrioz, would marry at the age of 22.

Karyme recently revealed that she thought that his daughter was too young to take that stepbut the answer her daughter gave her convinced her that it was the best decision and she is happy to see her get married.

That is why about a month ago, Karyme Lozano revealed in the program ‘Cuéntamelo Ya! In the end ‘that her eldest daughter would marry at 22 years of age.

Karime Lozano announced her daughter’s wedding

Karime Lozano announced her daughter’s wedding

“Ángela has been everything to me, she just went to Los Angeles yesterday, she came to visit us and she’s marrying me! I know she’s young but she’s super mature, what a year ago she was (at the party) in relaxation , now she is super focused, thank God,” said the beautiful soap opera actress at the time.

More recently, through an interview for Televisa Espectáculos, Karyme opened up about what she thought when her daughter gave her the news, “in December she married us and at first she was ‘oh, you’re very young'”.

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Karyme Lozano’s daughter marries at the age of 22

Karyme Lozano’s daughter marries at the age of 22

It should be noted that the daughter of Karyme Lozano wanted to marry her boyfriend whom she has known since she was a child, but the young woman is so sure of her decision that the actress shared what her daughter responded to in this regard, “and she tells me , ‘Mom, I’ve known him since elementary school, he’s my boyfriend since high school, I already had other boyfriends, it’s him, there’s no time to waste'”.

Karyme Lozano is proud that her daughter is very mature at her age. With this answer, Karyme points out that there is nothing more to say and he is happy for her.

It should be noted that the wedding took place on December 18 in Mexico but everything was kept private and they have not yet released photographs of the moment.

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