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The best, funniest and most memorable moments of E3

As you may have noticed, E3 2023 was canceled late last night. Will she ever return in the same form as before? That remains to be seen.

But the fact is that the most important gaming trade fair has accompanied us for many years and provided funny and memorable moments.

Regardless of whether eagerly awaited games were announced, whether there were surprises or whether celebrities were on stage, there was always something going on.

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So let’s look back at some special moments in E3 history.

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Alone the former Nintendo of America boss Reggie Fils-Aime had some special performances and won the hearts of the fans. He knew how to deal with them and he always seemed like he enjoyed what he was doing. His body is reggie.

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A Zelda game should not be missing in such a review. This is 2004, so that’s quite a while ago. Shigeru Miyamoto introduces The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess on stage and the fans are delighted.

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One of the recent memories. Here we see Ubisoft’s Davide Soliani visibly touched when none other than Shigeru Miyamto himself announced Mario + Rabbids at E3 2017.

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But there are other sides to Nintendo. Remember the amazing demonstration of Wii Music at E3 2008? Are you having nightmares about it now? You’re welcome!

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At E3 2013, Sony demonstrated how to skilfully exploit a competitor’s template and give the competitor what feels like a deathblow, by stating quite naturally that used games can of course also be used. As it should be.

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At E3 2015, Xbox’s Phil Spencer pulled backwards compatibility out of his hat as a surprise, eliciting enthusiastic reactions. Not for everyone, but definitely for those who enjoy playing even older titles on modern consoles.

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Keanu Reeves, who could forget him? The big star of Cyberpunk 2077 also made an appearance at E3 and he used it wisely. You’re breathtaking!

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This host of the Ubisoft presentation from 2011 is often referred to as “Mr Caffeine”. And if you watch the video, you will also know why that is. You don’t need caffeine anymore.

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A release date is something special in itself, especially when fans are waiting for it. But how can you top that? By tattooing it on your arm like Peter Moore did at E3 2004 on Halo 2.

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Another crowd pleaser was Tango Gameworks’ Ikumi Nakamura in 2019 when she introduced Ghostwire: Tokyo on stage.

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Jamie Kennedy also made his mark in the E3 history books in 2007 with the Activision press conference. He later blamed exhaustion for his performance during this time.

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And then there’s Riiiiidge Raaaacer. It’s 2006, Sony is announcing the price of the PlayStation 3. Good times.

What are your special E3 moments that you like to remember?

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