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The best olive oil in the world is Argentine

Thursday, December 29, 2022 | 7:47 p.m.

This week the ranking of the best producers of extra virgin olive oil in the world – the Extra Virgin Olive Oil or EVOO World Ranking – was released, which in its 2022 edition has a Mendoza company at the top of its top ten: Laur-Millán olive farm. Laur had already occupied that privileged place last year.

The EVOO World Ranking is, unlike other gastronomic rankings, a non-profit classification created to promote the most awarded extra virgin olive oils in the world. It has been developing a complex award system for olive oils and olive oil producers for 14 years, which is built from the highest scores and the prizes obtained by these products and producers in different competitions.

In its 2022 edition, which has the Argentine Olivícola Laur-Millán at No. 1, the rest of the top ten is made up mostly of European producers (Spain, Greece, Italy and Portugal). Laur obtained that position after obtaining no less than 134 prizes in 12 international contests, in which he scored a total of 7,041 points with his products.

“Another great joy that Mendoza olive oil gives us at a time full of championships. We worked hard to maintain the number one position in the world that we achieved last year. We didn’t have high hopes because of the level of competition. We weren’t favorites for a repeat feat, but clearly the work, effort, and product achieved put Laur at number one again. We are happy to reaffirm this achievement”, commented Gabriel Guardia, general manager of Olivícola Laur.

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