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The big crash of superstar Robert Habeck

What is physically interesting about this combustion is the fact that no external energy is involved. The fading luminosity was triggered inside the star. For a better understanding of these phenomena, here is a small dictionary of political physics:

1. Nuclear energy: The politician’s nuclear energy is his competence. Ideally, it forms the core of the core of his political personality, catapults him into high government offices and illuminates his nature, as happened in the case of Helmut Schmidt, sometimes beyond his own term of office.

In the case of Robert Habeck, this energy of economic competence can only be found as a creeping current, which explains the close succession of assertion (“We have no electricity problem”) and revocation (“The energy price shock is acutely endangering Germany’s prosperity”). Against the problems of an excessively high electricity price – which he fueled himself with the shutdown of nuclear power plants, a ban on Russian gas and the phase-out of coal – state money is now to be subsidised. politics paradoxical.

Habeck without a connection in the cabinet

2. Combined energy: The energy stores of a top politician are always fed from the reservoirs of his political partners. That is why the politician’s ability to compromise and cooperate is so important, because only then can these interconnected energies emerge.

Christian Lindner and especially Olaf Scholz were initially quite willing to connect their energy storage devices to Habeck. But somehow the connections didn’t fit. Baerbock and Habeck are rivals anyway. Nothing flows there, and if it does, then only negative energy. There was also no connectivity between Lindner and Habeck. Even Scholz has now stopped importing energy from the Chancellery to the Ministry of Economics because the clan structures there irritate him. A lonely Habeck became an energetic self-sufficient.

Habeck in the smoke of “nepotism”

3. Wind energy: The wind energy of politics is generated by the media. The windmills set up all over the media landscape manage to inspire even mediocre politicians for a while. Martin Schulz and AKK know what is meant here.

In the case of Robert Habeck, the winds of the ARD broadcasting companies and the “Spiegel” blew extremely intensely for years. That was more than just helpful for Robert Habeck’s climb. But the debate about the independence of public television and the criticism of the activists in the “Spiegel” have left their mark on the rotor blades of these wind machines. Now there is hesitation in blowing further into Habeck’s sail.

The “Spiegel” now also describes the conditions in the management area of ​​the Ministry of Economic Affairs as “nepotism” and disparagingly calls the Greens a “muesli and morality party”. The energetic result: Habeck’s wind harvest is poor this spring.

4. Geothermal energy: In the case of Habeck, the heat flows from the depths are provided by friends and family members who mutually pass on posts, company cars, salaries and environmental prices to one another and thus correspond to the principle of combined heat and power generation.

You provide warmth and he the power of the office. But the sister, brother-in-law and brother tapping into this family geothermal heat does not bring the upward mobility that is now required, but on the contrary causes an energetic thrust reversal. Habeck no longer warms the audience, but the audience heats him up. The minister’s chair is currently like a red hot plate.

Crash landing Habecks no longer ruled out

5. Magnetic energy: Magnetic energy, also known as gravity, is both fair and treacherous at the same time, because sooner or later it will bring every highflyer back to the ground. As soon as the thermals subside, the magnetic energy comes into play. She gave Robert Habeck a rude welcome as soon as he had re-entered normal mortal orbit. A crash landing of the minister is no longer out of the question. Magnetic energy has no relatives.

Conclusion: Habeck has lost its thermodynamic equilibrium. It has evolved from the coalition’s energy supplier to its biggest energy guzzler. In this state, it can no longer mobilize the drive energies required to transform an industrial society that is still largely based on fossil fuels.

The chancellor must at least think about taking him offline on occasion. Habeck undeniably has many talents – the right handling of the economy is not one of them. To be honest, Minister of Economics Habeck already only works in stretching operations.

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