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The big fight in Östra Malmberget decided in court – LKAB must tear down the fence

The municipality’s position is that the fence conflicts with the detailed plan and must be removed, a view that the county administrative board also shares. LKAB has a different view on the matter and considers, among other things, that the fence should protect residents from entering an area affected by the mine.

The Land and Environmental Court gives the municipality the right.

– In the best of worlds, this could mean that LKAB and the municipality must approach each other for a solution to the problems surrounding Östra Malmberget, says Henrik Ölvebo (MP), one of two municipal councilors in Gällivare, in a press release.

“The fence protects people and animals”

When the judgment becomes final, LKAB has three weeks to tear down the fence. But the decision will be appealed to the next instance, the Land and Environment Court of Appeal.

– We cannot accept this. We have purchased and decommissioned this area and the fence is there to protect people and animals. It is heavily affected by the mine and we want to take responsibility for that. So it is very strange that we are not allowed to do it, says Anders Lindberg, press manager at LKAB, to SVT.

SVT Norrbotten met the parties this summer – In the clip below, you can hear Anders Lindberg’s and Henrik Ölvebo’s diametrically different arguments on the matter.

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The fence in eastern Malmberget creates conflict between LKAB and Gällivare. Municipal councilor Henrik Ölvebo (MP) is upset. Photo: Hans Sternlund/SVT
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