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The Biggest Loser: Candidate collapses

Great excitement in the weight loss show!

A challenge demanded everything from the contestants of “Life made easy – The Biggest Loser” in the twelfth week. Too much for camp joker Robert (34), who collapsed in front of his trainers.

A big surprise had created a good mood beforehand. After twelve weeks, the candidates unexpectedly received visitors from home. An enormous incentive for them at the right time. Valentina (34) finally saw her mother again, who was amazed at her daughter’s weight loss success. “What a difference! Your charisma – wow!”

Valentina (left) was allowed to see her mom again in the weight loss show

Photo: Sat.1

Phillip (27) was allowed to hug his sister again and burst into tears of joy. The candidate was proud to report that he had already lost over 47 kilos. Many already see him in the final.

Coach Ramin Abtin (50) enthusiastically stated: “Finally I see you smile again.” Phillips camp buddy Robert, who was surprised by his brother and perplexed joked, was just as beaming: “I lost a kilo from shock.”

The visitors were allowed to watch the next match. Speed, mobility, balance and strength were required this time. A 30 meter long rope should be unwound from a steel structure as quickly as possible. A reward in the form of weight bonuses awaited the fastest three.

A good reason to bang on. Trainer Sigrid Ilumaa (42) also hoped: “When loved ones watch, it is of course an incredible motivation.”

Robert (right) was so exhausted after the match that he collapsed in front of his coaches Sigrid Ilumaa (left) and Ramin Abtin

Photo: Sat.1

But the sweltering heat took its toll on some. While Robert was climbing over the steel structure and trying to unwind the rope, he soon lost his strength. Everything had turned in his head, he later described the situation. When the Berliner reached the finish line with the rope, it happened.

Sigrid Ilumaa took her exhausted protégé in her arms and asked: “Is everything okay?”

But Robert could only answer “No” when he suddenly collapsed and fell over.

A shock – also for his brother, who was in the immediate vicinity. The match was secondary at that moment. It was only seconds before the camp doctor was there and put the candidate’s legs up. Luckily, his condition improved quickly. As he breathed loudly and deeply, relief spread. Soon the candidate was even able to stand up again. You could see the shock on him though.

Robert (right) was still dazed after his collapse and had to get over the shock first

Photo: Sat.1

Robert on his collapse: “It was like the energy was withdrawing from his feet and arms. Then the light went out for a moment.” Ramin Abtin explained the weakness as follows: “Robert used up a lot of energy in training. And he no longer had enough reserves for the challenge.”

At the end of the match, Daniel (37) was the fastest and could look forward to a weight bonus of 1.5 kilos for later weighing. Phillip and Manuela (24) ended up in the next places and still got a kilo (Phillip) and 500 grams (Manuela) credited. It finally paid off.

Although Manuela lost the least weight at 700 grams, thanks to the bonus she barely made it through to the next round. Instead, Pia (29) had to go, for whom it was no longer enough so shortly before the semifinals. Sigrid Ilumaa guessed where the problem lay. “On the one hand, she really wanted to move on, but on the other hand, she wanted to go home.”

From now on only seven candidates are fighting for the title of weight loss champion.

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