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“The Biggest Loser”: Zicken-Zoff with tangible consequences

With “Life made easy – The Biggest Loser” the scraps fly!

In episode nine, two candidates clashed violently. One of the two then also attacked camp boss Dr. Christine Theiss (43) in the tone.

Laura (24) and Valentina (34) have not been green in the weight loss show for a long time, but so far they have had to work as team partners. New rules now added fuel to the fire. Christine Theiss had an unpleasant surprise for her other ten protégés. She announced: “Your partners will become your competitors.”

Camp manager Dr. Christine Theiss announces the match results

Photo: Sat.1

This meant that if the duos had previously fought together, they now competed against each other. This put most people in a bad mood. Thorsten (42) about his buddy Salvo (37): “Without him I wouldn’t have managed a lot emotionally. And now I have to fight him.”

With Laura, on the other hand, relief. With Valentina as a team partner, she always had a hard time. Behind the back of the former comrade-in-arms, Laura really breathed a sigh of relief. “I’m glad to finally be free of the burden of this partnership.” She’s always had to hold back and swallow a lot, she almost burst out. Laura happy: “Now I don’t have to do anything anymore!”

The candidate did not want to spare her opponent in the duels, dreaming of victory even before the starting gun was fired. The 24-year-old was mean: “It would be so nice if I flattened her.” But then everything turned out differently. The duelists should throw balls into the opponent’s field on the beach. The rules of the game: Whoever has the most balls in their rival’s field after three minutes wins. The loser gets a penalty weight of 300 grams on top of the weigh-in.

Valentina and Laura had trouble getting the balls over the net. Both ran out of breath quickly. Coach Ramin Abtin (50) teased from the side: “If you slow down even more, we’ll travel backwards in time.” In the last minute then there was an uproar. As Valentina bent down, Laura threw a ball over the net. He landed unhappily on her opponent and hit her hand.

Valentina’s hand was bandaged by the team doctor after the ball match

Photo: Sat.1

Valentina raged: “Are you stupid, or what?!” She was quite sure: That MUST have been the intention. An accusation that Laura vehemently denied. After the match, the situation escalated. Valentina’s hand needed medical attention. She was afraid that with the injury “The Biggest Loser” she would certainly not be able to win anymore.

The outcome of the ball match made emotions boil over. Laura narrowly lost with 15:16 hits. The candidate’s jaw dropped, as she had already seen herself as the winner. Laura incredulous: “Really? It can’t be.” But dr Christine Theiss assured her: “We counted everything twice with the cameras. Balls also got stuck in the net.” Laura’s cheeky comment on the camp manager’s explanation: “I can’t believe that.”

Laura (right) learns that she lost to Valentina – and is angry

Photo: Sat.1

The loser was offended and then clashed again with opponent Valentina. Both yelled at each other in front of the other candidates. Valentina completely lost her composure and rumbled: “You’re mentally balla balla!” The fight against the kilos became a minor matter.

Nevertheless, at the end of the week, the unloved weighing was on the agenda again.

By then, tempers had not completely calmed down. Theiss addressed the ball match of the super goats again and emphasized: “We evaluate and judge every situation here from a fair and objective point of view.” And: “It is extremely important that you trust us there.” Laura took advantage of the favor the hour for an apology. She now regrets the verdict against Theiss.

The candidate: “It was an emotional overreaction on my part in the sports competition. I would like to apologize for reacting so wrongly and I will work on myself.” Laura promised: “It will not happen again.” Theiss accepted her apology.

In the end, two had to leave the weight loss show. Of all the participants, Oelsi (36) and Thorsten had lost the least weight.

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