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The bizarre spot of the candidate for deputy from Salta copying Shakira’s Session with Bizarrap

La Galleguillos, as she is known in Salta, is a woman who does not give up in her attempt. As part of Alfredo Olmedo’s army, she joined Juntos por el Cambio when she managed to be a councilor in Rosario de Lerma, although now she has joined La Nueva Mayoría, made up of disenchanted with macrismo and without national reference.

She has already gone through various controversies, such as when she raffled off a night with a Venezuelan stripper to “celebrate” Women’s Day, and when she received criticism, she said that she was doing it with her own money.

For electoral campaigns, he usually surprises with different spots that imitate series or songs that are in fashion, as he did with a hilarious video imitating ‘El juego del Squid’, or trying to rap and dance in that style to attract young voters.

Continuing in this line, he launched his new ad and surprised everyone with his crude imitation of Shakira in a video that only makes others laugh and embarrassed.

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