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The ‘black dollar’ scam in Peru: an African citizen tried to deceive a businessman with a false US$ 30,000

Citizen defrauded a businessman with the “Black Dollars” modality.

The Cameroonian citizen identified as Bernard Tankoua, 60 years old, was captured after he defrauded a businessman with the “Black Dollars” modality. Agents of the Criminal Investigation Directorate (Dirincri) found this subject in a lodging in Lince.

According to Colonel Cruz, from the National Police of Peru (PNP), this man promised to triple dollars under this modality. Through social networks he captured people who believed in his offer.

The process that followed consisted of pouring a black powder about dollars and about other papers. Then, when the paint faded, more dollars would be seen.

“In this case, all the dust from black color and obviously (he says that) these (bills) are authentic. She dries it and says ‘well, this is how they look’. He gives him the money so that he can use it and then he sort of convinces him that this procedure is absolutely valid, right? “The police officer told Latina Noticias.

The chemicals that Bernard Tankoua used to defraud were talc and iodine paint. In addition, he would ask his victims for a bag of real dollars.

“(…) So that with the additives they can reproduce up to three times (the banknotes), which is technically and scientifically impossible,” explained the colonel Cross.

This was committed with the businessman who gave him US$30,000 Dollars to triple them. However, he fled the scene after leaving the victim with a package.

“And then, well, he ran off with the money. Obviously the victim He was left with a package, which was only black paper. And that he denounced it at the time, ”he specified.

In the records of the chambers of video surveillance It is observed that the alleged fraudster quoted his victim, a businessman, in a lodging in Lince.

Until there arrived the agents of the Scam Divisionwho intercepted the citizen and questioned him about the “Black Dollars” scam.

Moments later, personnel from the Criminal Prosecutor’s Officewhose prosecutor has been investigating this type of scam, which is widely replicated in Africa.

Between 2012 and 2013, only three gangs have been broken up in Peru.

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