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The blackout continues in Berazategui, which has been without electricity for more than 30 hours: a strong claim to Edesur

A large sector of Berazategui continues without electricity and this noon they had been without electricity for 36 hours. It is for this reason that the residents point all their anger at Edesur -who provides service in that area- for the disruptions caused.

As EL DIA reported, last night they protested by cutting off traffic at kilometer 32 of Route 2, generating significant vehicular chaos as the area completely collapsed. And today they planned to carry out the same action if they do not give a solution to their problem, in the middle of a day again oppressive due to high temperatures.

The blackout affects different sectors, including countries and gated communities in the area. “We are desperate. You can NOT live like this,” said one of the victims.

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