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The Bludenzer Clubheim shines in new splendor!

Last Saturday you could meet many hard-working ESC athletes in and on the floor area. The reason for this – “The big spring cleaning” is pending.

Hard-working ladies have polished the clubhouse, the curling room and ancillary rooms into a jewel and made everything shine and sparkle. A big piece of work has been done, for which we would like to thank our ladies.

The male workers have also struck hard. Necessary repairs in the area of ​​the stick place were done. Cleaned the facility around the Stockplatz and the clubhouse and repaired any damage.

The ESC Bludenz officially opened the new 2023 season with the annual “Putzate”. After the work was done, they were rewarded with a hearty snack.

The board of the ESC Bludenz would like to take this opportunity to thank them once again for their voluntary work.

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