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The body of the German tourist, who disappeared after two boats collided in the Danube Delta, has been found

The body of the German tourist, who disappeared at the end of last week following the naval accident in the Danube Delta, when two boats collided, was found on Wednesday, announced the representatives of the Tulcea Emergency Situations Inspectorate.

The Danube DeltaPhoto: Inquam Photos / Casian Mitu

“During this morning, the body of the German man who disappeared in the waters near Mila 23 was found. The firefighters of Pichet Crişan intervened to take him over and bring him to the shore where he was identified. The forces deployed in the area for the search are withdrawing, including the divers from ISU Tulcea and ISU Brăila”, declared the representatives of ISU Tulcea, according to

The body was discovered at a distance of approximately 300 meters from the place where the man had fallen into the water.

The representatives of the Tulcea County Police Inspectorate announced that the police were notified, on Sunday, about the occurrence of a naval accident at the entrance of the Şontea and Olguţa Canals, within the radius of Mila 23, Crişan commune.

“In the case, the police have drawn up a criminal file, under the aspect of committing the crime of culpable bodily harm and destruction. Also, as following the impact, a 68-year-old male passenger, of German origin, fell from the boat, investigations are continuing in order to identify the man in question”, stated IPJ Tulcea representatives.

According to the cited source, the accident occurred after, upon entering the Şontea channel, one of the drivers did not secure himself properly and collided with the other boat.

There were 20 people on board the two boats involved in the event.

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