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The boss of Xbox reassures his troops: the takeover of Activision is not vital

The decision of the CMA was a big blow to Microsoft regarding its ambitions in gaming in the medium and long term. The company has announced that it is appealing the decision, but finds itself in a more delicate position than ever. Phil Spencer, boss of Xbox, nevertheless wanted to reassure his employees.

All of Microsoft supports this takeover

Publicly, Microsoft has always shown its determination to go all the way so that the takeover of Activision Blizzard King can take place. Thus, the company is ready to go to court in the United States after the rejection of the FTC, and to challenge that of the CMA in the United Kingdom. While the decision of the European Commission is expected for next month, Phil Spencer wanted to temper the situation.

As reported Bloombergit was during a meeting this Thursday morning that Phil Spencer, the head of gaming at Microsoft, spoke to his employees.

Phil Spencer acknowledged the company’s disappointment, saying the UK’s decision will slow down the approval process. But he also said Microsoft’s desire to pursue the deal hasn’t waned.

The stakes behind this record deal of nearly $70 billion are colossal, and go much further than a simple acquisition usual in the sector. As evidence, Phil Spencer said that Microsoft Chairman Brad Smith got up at 2 a.m. Seattle time on Wednesday to write a response to the UK competition and markets authority. He added that Chief Financial Officer Amy Hood, who oversees the acquisitions, held a management meeting the same day.

Phil Spencer reassures his troops and prepares for all eventualities

We have seen it in recent hours, the words of Brad Smith and those of Bobby Kotick have been very critical of the British authorities, and even of the government itself. As the tone rose, Phil Spencer nevertheless wanted to reassure his teams.

According to the same sources from Bloomberg, the head of Xbox said the acquisition was meant to accelerate Microsoft’s gaming plans, but it didn’t represent the company’s entire gaming strategy. of games, which would go ahead even without Activision.

Although the message to convey is that of an unwavering determination, it would seem here that Phil Spencer is projecting himself into a hypothesis where the deal could not be made.

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