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The Brazilian justice system added Jair Bolsonaro to the cause of the riots in Brasilia

The Brazilian court will investigate the role of Jair Bolsonaro in the riots in the Plaza de los Tres Poderes that occurred last Sunday. The former president of the neighboring nation spent the holidays in the United States and was in the northern country when Lula da Silva took office, with whom he did not transfer power.

Jair Bolsonaro may face legal charges.

The main argument used by the Government of the neighboring country is that Jair Bolsonaro never conceded defeat He even published on his social networks after the attacks on Congress a video where he questioned the result of the October elections. It is this idea that thousands of followers of the South American politician seized upon to invade the institutions of Brasilia in an attempt to carry out a coup.

Although there are people who indicate that the video was uploaded and deleted after the riots, the Court indicated that “the existence of an evidentiary connection between the facts contained is not denied,” in addition to the fact that “The object of this investigation has a broader scope. For this reason, the global investigation of the events carried out before and after January 8, 2023 by the aforementioned is justified.”. Thus, Jair Bolsonaro He can be charged in the case in which several high-ranking people who are very close to his government and who are members of his party are already involved.

Source: (The Country)

For his part, lawyer of the former president shared a statement in which it condemned the acts carried out by the protesters by indicating that Bolsonaro “he always repudiated any kind of illegal act” and that he is a “defender of democracy”shifting the blame towards “infiltrators”.

Anderson Torres arrested

The former Brazilian Justice Minister was arrested this morning after the plane in which he was returning from a vacation with his family landed in the bordering nation. He is one of the main suspects for the non-action of the security forces.

In addition, an unpublished decree from when Bolsonaro was in power was found in a pile of papers in his home that dismissed the election result and called the actions of the Superior Electoral Tribunal as “unconstitutional.”

Torres was arrested in the morning in Brasilia.

The politician did not deny the existence of this role, Rather, he argued that it was a document that had to be shredded at the time in the Ministry of Justice and that it was not done.

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