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The British Government postpones the opening of the immigrant internment barge

The British Government postpones the opening of the immigrant internment barge

The Ministry of the Interior of the United Kingdom reported that it will postpone the entry into operation of the barge for the internment of illegal immigrants due to fire safety problems detected in the facilities.

According to statements by the British Ministry of the Interior to the channel skynewsthe inspection of the barge, called bibby stockholm, detected numerous security flaws. He gave as an example the installation of a fire door upside down.

The failures are a serious risk both for the immigrants interned on the barge and for the workers at the facility.

The British government’s plan is for the bibby stockholmwith 222 rooms, houses 500 single men seeking asylum divided into rooms with bathroom for every six people who will sleep and bunk beds.

All of them, at this time, are staying in hotels waiting for the British institutions to decide whether or not to grant them asylum. the boat will count with security and surveillance 24 hours a day.

The commissioning of facilities It will be gradual and will start with 50 people once the facilities pass all the security controls.

According to skynewsthe Union of Fire Brigades warned that the barge was a “death trap”.

The government reacted with hostility to the complaint, assuring that the barge was “absolutely safe” and accused the union of “betrayal of country and the British people”.

The suspension of its entry into operation, leaked to skynewssupposes the recognition on the part of the British government that the denunciation of the firefighters was real.

Interior plans implied that bibby stockholm it would begin receiving immigrants a week ago at the port of Portland, where it is docked.

After seeing the inability to meet that deadline, a new date was set to start its operation: last Tuesday. However, security problems forced it to be postponed again.

British Prime Minister, Rishi Sunakdefended the plan to transfer the immigrants to the barge in the face of criticism and denunciations from the opposition and from human rights groups that affirm that the barge will function as a prison where the immigrants will live overcrowded and deprived of rights.

Sunak insisted that “the barge will relieve pressure on local communities and save money.”

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