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The brutal awakening of the Lille attack! – Debrief and NOTES of the players (Lille 5-1 Troyes)

Dominating, Lille won a great logical success at home against Troyes (5-1) this Sunday in the league. Enough to silence critics of LOSC’s attacking problems for a while.

The joy of Yoro, Bayo and Angel Gomes after the first goal

Point of finger for its offensive shortcomings in recent weeks, Lille pleased its public at the Stade Pierre-Mauroy this Sunday by winning a big victory against Troyes (5-1) during the 19th day of Ligue 1. A logical success for a LOSC who mastered the debates from start to finish.

Lille takes shelter in the first act

The match got off to a bad start for Lille with Ounas’ injury after less than ten minutes. However, this early exit by the Algerian winger did not upset the northern team, who dominated the discussions and took the advantage on a powerful strike from Bayo, found in the area by Angel Gomes (1-0, 16th). The second goal of the season in the league for the former Clermontois, who was celebrating his first tenure since August.

The Trojans were too shy and, apart from a few outbursts from Larouci, offered themselves too few opportunities in the opposing camp to hope to equalize before the break. Zhegrova was close to making the break for the Dogues six minutes from half-time, but the shot from Kosovar came crashing into the opposite post from Lis. It was David who finally took care of widening the gap by taking over from the left a ball repelled by Lis (2-0, 45th + 2).

LOSC drives the point home

As soon as they returned from the locker room, Lille drove home the point thanks to a double from Bayo, opportunistic in turn to take a shot from Weah repelled by the Trojan goalkeeper (3-0, 47th). A real blow for ESTAC which took many minutes to get up from this bad start to the second period. The Trojans still saved their honor thanks to Mama Bald (3-1, 47th), but the locals drove the point home with the first goal in L1 from Virginius (4-1, 75th). At the end of the game, David took over a cross from Cabella with a header to offer himself a double (5-1, 88th).

After two draws, Lille returned to success and remained in the race for Europe. Fifth, LOSC temporarily returns to Monaco and Rennes in the standings. The podium is 8 points. For Troyes, it’s a second consecutive defeat in the league. The Aube club is 14th and remains the door of its pursuers in the race to maintain.

The score of the match: 7/10

In a very nice atmosphere at the Stade Pierre-Mauroy, Lille put on a show by offering five goals to their supporters. A lively and enjoyable match from start to finish.

The goals :

– Touch full axis by Andr, Angel Gomes addresses a pass in the direction of the surface. Palmer-Brown is taken by David’s feint in front of him and Bayo takes the opportunity to take the leather, before adjusting the goalkeeper with a powerful shot from the right (1-0, 16th).

– Served by David at the entrance to the surface, Bayo stings his ball to eliminate Salmier but stumbles behind Lis. David followed well and regained control from the left to send the ball under the bar (2-0, 45’+2).

– Gomes goes up the pitch with the ball at his feet and shifts Weah to his left. The American international transplanted before arming a shot pushed back by Lis, but Bayo took the leather to score in the empty goal (3-0, 47th).

– Cont overflows left center level with the ground towards the first post. Mama Bald throws herself in front of Djalo and scores away from a recovery from outside the right (3-1, 65th).

– Zhegrova enters the area on the right side, sets Cont then arms a shot from the left. Lis diverts to his right, but Virginius is there to push from the left into the empty goal (4-1, 75′).

– Served on the right side, Cabella sends a perfect cross for David’s header at the near post (5-1, 88th).

Players’ NOTES

Maxifoot has assigned a score (out of 10) comments on each player.

Man of the match: Mohamed Bayo (8/10)

The former Clermontois finally launches his season! Holder for the first time since August, the striker took the opportunity to score a double. He could even have scored three goals since his duel with Lis after eliminating Salmier with a dive deserved a better fate, but David followed well to score behind Lille’s second goal. Involved in the first three goals, the summer rookie has redeemed himself well after a complicated start to the adventure at LOSC. Replace the 67th by Alan Virginius (not), who lost a duel with Lis on one of his first balls. Before scoring his first goal in L1!


Lucas Chevalier (6): surprised by Mama Bald’s strike, the Lille goalkeeper can’t do anything about the Trojan goal. He was invaluable in his kicking game, like his clearance which could have been decisive for Virginius, and he had nothing to reproach himself for after this game. With only one stop made, he spent a relatively quiet early afternoon.

Bafod Diakit (6): the very stirring Larouci represented a great challenge for the right side, who spent himself without counting to defend and provide offensive support.

Leny Yoro (7): for his second tenure in a row, the young central defender has again shown great qualities. Very clean in his interventions and serene in the relaunch, he already displays a very beautiful maturity in his game. Replaced in the 77th by Jos Fonte (not not).

Tiago Djal (6): very successful since the start of the season, the central defender has once again made a good impression by showing himself to be very good in his area, like his excellent return on a cross from Larouci. Nevertheless, he is ahead of Mama Bald on the Trojan goal.

Adam Ounas (not rated): the winger was injured very quickly while trying to regain a ball at the far post. Replace the 8th by Edon Zhegrova (7). Untenable on his right side, the Kosovar did not always make the right choices but his dribbling drove the opposing defenders crazy and he is involved in the last two goals.

Benjamin André (6): extended until 2026 this week, the midfielder did this by making a good copy, one more. Valuable for organizing the game in a low position, he also knew how to play a notch higher to support his attacking partners, as on his shift towards Angel Gomes who brought the first goal for Lille.

Carlos Baleba (5): after a first convincing start in midweek against Brest, the young midfielder had a little more difficulty today. While he was interesting in taking initiatives, he experienced far too many ball losses, one of which gave Mr. Bald an opportunity. Replace the 66th by Rmy Cabella (not not)who drops the ball on David’s head for the 5-1 goal.

Angel Gomes (7): in difficulty during his last two outings, the attacking midfielder was much more comfortable. Often placed between the lines, the Englishman was a good relay for his partners and he found Bayo on the opener. His ball recovery also brings the second goal of his attacker.

Timothy Weah (6): established in the left side position, the usual striker started his match with a bang by multiplying the dangerous climbs in his lane. After a calmer period, he regained his legs of fire in the second period and his strike repelled by the Trojan goalkeeper allowed Bayo to score the 3-0 goal. Replace the 75th by Alexandro (no not).

Mohamed Bayo (8): read the comment above.

Jonathan David (8): silent against Brest in the middle of the week, the Lille striker found his way back to the net by scoring twice. In support of Bayo, the Canadian international was delighted in this role. He was excellent at combining with his partners and projecting himself towards the opposing surface.


To come: discover the notes and comments on the players of TROYES, updated in a few moments…

+ Find the results and the classification of Ligue 1 on Maxifoot

And for you, who were the best and worst players of the match? Comment in the “comments” box below!

LILLE 5-1 TROYES (mid-time: 2-0) – FRANCE – Ligue 1 / 19th day
Stadium: Stade Pierre Mauroy, Lille – Referee: Pierre Gaillouste, France

Goals : M. Bayo (16th) J. David (45+2nd) M. Bayo (47th) A. Virginius (75th) J. David (88th) for LILLE – Mama Bald (65th) for TROYES
Warnings : C. Noom (23rd)for LILLE

LILLE : L.KnightL. Yoro (Jos Fonte, 77th), Tiago DjalB. Diakit, T. Weah (Alexsandro, 76th)A. Ounas (E. Zhegrova, 8th), C. Noom (R. Cabella, 66th), B.Andr, A.GomesJ.David, M. Bayo (A. Virginius, 67th)

TROYES : Mr. LisY.Salmier, E. Palmer-BrownT.Bald, A.ContF. Tardieu, X.Chavalerinrony lopesA. Bruus (W. Odobert, 64th), Y.LarouciMama Bald

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