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The Buenos Aires government denounced the officials who must pay the precautionary measure on the co-participation

Horacio Rodriguez Larreta

The government of the city of Buenos Aires presented today the criminal complaint that it had announced Horacio Rodriguez Larreta against the national government for failing to comply with the decision of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation that last week ruled on the co-participation case.

The complaint is for the crimes of disobedience to a public official and for abuse of authority and violation of the duties of public officials, according to the presentation to which he agreed. infobae. The complaint does not name the people that the Buenos Aires government believes should be charged, but rather makes reference to the charges.

“Against the members of the National Executive Power, including those who are part of the Ministry of Economy and the Ministry of the Interior of the Nation who have been notified of the judicial resolution, and the members of the Board of Directors of the Banco de la Nación Argentina and other officials of the line of said bank, in its capacity as agent for the transfer and payment of the co-participation funds, and/or those who are ultimately responsible for the facts that will be exposed”, says the complaint and it is thus understood that it is against Alberto Fernández, Sergio Massa, Silvina Batakis and Eduardo “Wado” De Pedroamong others.

The city government pointed out that “until now the resolution of the Supreme Court has not been complied with nor has there been any demonstration that reasonably explains the delay.” And I add: “The economic magnitude of the damage thus generated, which increases daily, is sufficient to gauge the severity of the injustice.”

In the complaint, he reviews the case from the time the complaint was filed until Alberto Fernández’s announcement that he was going to challenge the Supreme Court judges and present the reversal of the ruling.

The city’s lawyers denounced that after the ruling of the highest court the delivery of the co-participation funds should be immediate and that did not happen since “it has continued to be 1.40% and not the 2.95% provided in the sentence ”.

“This section of the procedural object that the instruction proposes covers all the public officials who should have executed the order. A first approximation covers the members of the National Executive Power, the National Ministry of Economy, the National Ministry of the Interior, both their top managers, as well as the members of the line of said banking institution, who are responsible for the facts that are denounced”, says the text.

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