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The Buenos Aires PJ called for a mobilization to the Supreme Court for April 13

The Justicialista Party (PJ) from Buenos Aires, whose head is the national deputy maximum kirchnertoday called for a mobilization to the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation for next April 13, in repudiation of the sentence and perpetual disqualification from public office that falls on the vice president Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner.

The decision was adopted at the meeting that the council held in the city of La Plata, in which it also authorized the president of the party to define the date of the next congress. During the meeting, several councilors demanded that the national table of the Frente de Todos (FdT) be reconvened.

The meeting began around 11 and was headed by maximum kirchnerwho was accompanied by Martin Insaurralde; Veronica Magario; Andres Larroque; fernando espinoza; Mayra Mendoza; Omar Plaini; Juliana DiTullio; Leonardo Nardini; July Wine; Florencia Saintout; Pablo Zurro; Marisol Merquel; Claudia Vasquez Haro; Juan Carlos Gasparini; Gustavo Menendez; Cristina Alvarez Rodriguez y Francisco Duranona; among others.

After the meeting, the Buenos Aires PJ issued a statement in which it stated that “those who make up the Council considered that after the Court of Justice of the Nation has ruled in favor of the city of Buenos Aires, establishing that the national State grant it to this district 2.95 percent of the mass of co-participating taxes, to the detriment of other jurisdictions, the current inequalities will only deepen.”

“It is necessary to work for a greater distribution of resources that allow the loss of purchasing power to be solved in the short, medium and long term,” warned the statement from the Buenos Aires PJ.

After knowing the poverty rate for the second semester of 2022, the Buenos Aires PJ pointed out that “there was a unanimous agreement to seek immediate solutions for the people of Buenos Aires, and in this sense it was proposed to ratify the claim for co-participation funds”.

In addition, the statement stated that at the meeting “the proposal to carry out actions in support of the Vice President of the Nation, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, arose on April 13.”

After the meeting, the Minister of Development of the Buenos Aires Community, Andres Larroquehe remarked that “we are concerned about the social situation, we are demanding a fixed sum” and on the electoral issue he stated “there is a need to define an electoral strategy and there Peronism from Buenos Aires has to be at the forefront.”

“The PJ of the Province is the backbone of the Front, it is the one with the greatest responsibility. It is the basis for victory at the national level,” he said.

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