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The businessman Santiago Pissani was released from prison after being accused of attacking a delivery service | THE TERRITORY news from Misiones

Monday May 15, 2023 | 4:18 p.m.

The 55-year-old businessman Santiago Pissani was transferred this morning to Investigating Court Two to be notified of his release. The former martial arts champion was housed for nine days at the Tercera de Posadas police station, after being denounced for injuries and threats. As El Territorio timely reported, the possibility that Pissani could regain his freedom was very close. Something that accelerated the decision of judge Juan Manuel Monte was the brief presented by the young man attacked, Sebastián Lafuente, before the prosecutor Christian Antúnez, last Friday.

Therefore, the 55-year-old man was released, but will remain subject to the file that has him accused of savagely beating a delivery motorcycle, which occurred on the night of May 1, in front of his home. The agreement was signed by the defense of the businessman and the young victim of the beating, but the Investigating Judge Two, Juan Manuel Monte, decided to grant the release just this afternoon, leaving him locked up for the weekend.

According to official sources, Santiago Pissani arrived at the Court on Santa Fe Street around 1:00 p.m., aboard a police patrol from the Third Police Station. Without handcuffs on, he was escorted by a uniformed officer to Judge Monte’s office, where he signed the notice and was released.
Lastly, he did not want to give statements when leaving the judicial building, but announced that he will give a press conference in the coming days.

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