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"The candidacy of ‘VaLIMcia’ for the 2030 World Cup"

"The candidacy of 'VaLIMcia' for the 2030 World Cup"

The Valencia City Council wants to choose to host the 2030 Soccer World Cup. Until May of this year the PSOE and Compromis have wanted it and have presented themselves and now the PP, too. This article does not have a political background, but descriptive of the facts and reflective at the end to try to avoid another ridicule from Valencia and Valencia CF. The 2030 World Cup is not known if he will give it to him

na Spain. The candidacy offers the New Mestalla Stadium, which is not finished and whose works have been stopped since 2009 (14 years) because the money ran out. 120 million are missing to finish it. That image of a cement donut on a new avenue in the city is embarrassing, although people have gotten used to it. The Valencia City Council presided over by the deceased mayoress

Rita Barbera

(PP), in 2005 gave Valencia CF an urban diamond (an agreement) reclassifying the site of the current Mestalla stadium, so that the club could sell it and obtain enough money to build the new field. In return, Valencia CF had to finish the new stadium before May 2021. Really, Rita Barberá’s desire was for the 2010 Champions League final to be held at the New Stadium. When

peter lim

He bought the club in November 2014, he already knew that he was buying it with the legal obligation to finish the stadium. And he knew that if he did not finish it before 2021, the City Council would take away his urban gift, the value of which has changed over time. There was a time that for former presidents

to usually do



the gift (requalified land to make 600 luxury apartments and a shopping center) was worth 400 million and they had more than enough to pay for the new stadium (300) and there have been times when, with the crisis, it wasn’t even worth 80 million. In fact, no one has ever bought it . And so it goes. Peter Lim disregarded his obligation and his commitment to the authorities and let seven years go by without moving a brick, so the agreement expired. The City Council and the Generalitat in 2021 (governed by the PSOE) had to (in order not to prevaricate) annul the urban gift due to Lim’s inactivity in finishing the new stadium. So Peter Lim went to court and appealed the annulment. He did not hesitate for a second despite being the reason for the cancellation due to his fault. The political authorities, fundamentally the PP, have reclassified Valencia CF to the planters in order to help it. From some orange groves in Ribarroja del Turia, which the PP reclassified for villas on golf courses, for which Valencia CF obtained 84 million profit, to a tower next to the future new Stadium for hotels and shops (30 million), reclassification of the Sports City of Paterna (30) and the already mentioned site of the current Mestalla (at least there will be 100). Another thing is that the club has not taken advantage of them or has wasted them, but politics has put almost 250 kilos in Valencia CF’s pocket. Valencia CF only had the obligation to build a new stadium and leave the current Mestalla (where there is a Supreme Court ruling declaring 11,000 seats for the expansion of a stand illegal). Valencia, led by the Valencians, started the new stadium, but without selling the reclassified site of the current Mestalla, the crisis came, they ran out of money and the new stadium stopped in 2009 and so it continues. In 2022, with the reclassification annulled (the 100 million diamond), the PSOE and Compromis, given the proximity of the municipal elections, decided that it was good to stage that they were helping Valencia CF again by returning the gift, but squeezing Lim’s neck. And then they again approved a new reclassification, even improved, but with a very important nuance introduced by the former vice mayor

sandra gomez

(now in opposition): he could only have the 100-kilo diamond (requalified site) when Lim finished the New Stadium. That is, after and not before. But the feudal lord of Singapore didn’t like it either. And he put two absurd spokes in the wheel: he did not agree that the stadium should have 70,000 spectators, but only 66,000. And he also did not agree to pay the VAT (1.7 million) of a Sports Pavilion, amounting to 9 million, that the VCF had to compensate the residents of the neighborhood. Little sin for not accepting it. Two crude excuses that actually hide that Lim does not want to finish the New Stadium (about 120 million are needed for it), without the City Council returning the requalification of the old stadium… the 100 kilos. Let’s say that he markets with that, not to use a word that begins with chan and ends with je. On the other hand, the City Council can give this gift to another more serious future owner and not to this one who has already shown who he is. There is no longer a link between one thing and the other. If Lim wanted to, he could finish it, because the worst thing is that the club has between 85 and 105 million euros in cash available from the agreement with CVC, which he can only invest in finishing the new stadium. But he doesn’t want to, because he really only wants it to use it as a lever and recover that diamond that he lost due to his laziness and contempt for all Valencian laws and institutions. And now he has been lucky that the politicians (those of the PSOE and Compromis before and those of the PP now) need to finish their unfinished half-stadium, because they have gotten the whim of presenting a candidacy as a city for Valencia to host 3- 4 matches of the possible (I repeat possible) World Cup of 2030, I repeat 2030. The new mayoress of Valencia,

Maria Jose Catala

(PP), which has taken out almost twice as many councilors as the PSOE, has said that “as a big city, I would not understand letting an opportunity like the 2030 World Cup go by.” And Lim from Singapore and his Valencian assistants (for pay), rub their hands. To his pillow with a feudal smile he will be saying “If the politicians want to play in my half stadium, either they give me back the diamond and the 100 kilos or I don’t finish it and they are left without their possible World Cup matches”. This trick by Lim breaks his serve in a very easy way: going from the World Cup and telling the feudal lord of Singapore: “Mr. Lim, if you want to finish the stadium, finish it and if you don’t leave it as it is. You have the CVC money in your box” . Without the pressure of the World Cup, the brown belongs to the owner of the club. But for that, the current Mayor of Valencia, and before the others, have to understand that for the Valencian and Valencian society it is more important that Lim leave, than three possible matches of a possible World Cup in seven years. And if the City Council and the Generalitat (both now from the PP) return the diamond, Lim will laugh at everyone, because his shares (92%) will be worth more and it will be more difficult for him to leave because he will ask a potential buyer for more. The poisoned bait of all this is that FIFA demands that “the candidacy” guarantee before the end of the year a series of commitments to qualify for hosting. And of course the main commitment is that there is a stadium to be able to play. Who are the candidate? They are the union of the City Council-Generalitat and Valencia CF. All three have to guarantee FIFA that the stadium will be finished in 2030. And I wonder, how is the City Council and the Generalitat going to guarantee FIFA that a stadium that is not theirs will be finished when the owner is already Has he shown signs that his foot is sweating? How are you going to guarantee that in the month of October or November 2023 by 2030? How is the City Council and the Generalitat going to assume such a responsibility, knowing that Peter Lim has no problem failing to comply? How are they going to tie Lim to finish the Stadium if he hasn’t finished it even in the face of the danger of losing 100 million from the requalification? What need do politicians have to get into this cactus garden? It could be due to populism, but it turns out that in Valencia it is more popular to pressure Peter Lim to leave, to the possibility of playing three games in a possible World Cup. People want Lim to leave, not for three games to be played in the initial phases of a possible World Cup. The PP, which was a lot of “Great Events” in the past, has to understand that the Great Event is for Peter Lim to put his shares up for sale and that cannot be achieved by giving him more money and making the problem worse, with the excuse of the 2030 World Cup. He will end up tricking them, getting them into trouble, while he eats a cake with his grandson in Singapore. No one will penalize the Mayor of Valencia and the President of the Generalitat because three World Cup matches are not played in Valencia. And everyone will thank you for not fattening up an owner who has mistreated and abandoned Valencia CF and who has also deceived, breached and denounced them. What will happen? I bet a senyoret rice with Denia shrimp, that with the poisoned bait of the 2030 World Cup, Peter Lim will nail everyone again and it will not be his fault. It will be everyone’s fault except him. Because Lim no longer fools anyone; only those who continue to be fooled. PS It would be cum laude of nerds, if the City Council or Generalitat came up with the fatal idea of ​​assuming some guarantee or economic commitment to finish the stadium before FIFA and that finally the New Stadium ends up paying for the citizenship while they try to collect the bill to Lim and the feudal lord sells his most expensive shares, with the requalification in his pocket and the stadium finished. They aren’t so stupid in carpeted offices, are they?

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