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The cards that Valencia de Meriton do not fit: if Cavani and Paulista are not permanent, they have no place

The cards that Valencia de Meriton do not fit: if Cavani and Paulista are not permanent, they have no place

Valencia de Meriton has had four years of savage cuts in its squad. That summer of 2019 was a before and after. Peter Lim decided that he was putting an end to the investment in the equipment that had been bought and that it was going to go to a minimum. I had to live on what I generated. Thus, start drawing high chips. Today there is still a top of contracts in the club -less and less- that can be out of market for a team fighting for relegation. But If they don’t play, they squeal for Meriton. They can’t be. and there is two noted cases: Edinson Cavani and Gabriel Paulista. Both they ‘eat’ around 10 million gross of the total contracts Of the template. But last season their percentage of participation is not what they have been in line with their salaries. And that is where the problem lies.

Because, for example, other players in that salary top such as Gay and the recently released -after renewing- Diakhaby have responded with numbers and prominence in the team. Ah, there are no complaints or doubts. Only are subject to the market in case an offer arrives. Because there is no one non-transferable today in football… far from it in Valencia.

The point is that If a player at the top of salaries in the Valencia squad does not stand out, he has no place. And that’s what it is happening with the Uruguayan and the Brazilian. Valencia are not interested in having on the bench two salaries, of almost six million and four and a half gross, that do not contribute with solvency and regularity. It is that “logic” of soccer that Meriton has in that kind of soccer-economy mysticism that prevails and that, normal as it might be, soccer breaks it with the illogicality of punctual performances by athletes. Because There is nothing written that a higher salary has a guaranteed return. But this very special Valencia breaks with all the molds and if you don’t pay according to your salary, you don’t fit in. Especially in times of crisis as prolonged as this entity has been assuming.

The numbers 22-23 of Cavani and Paulista

cavani has played 28 games all season. But his margin of participation has not been as expected. Above all in the Baraja era that culminated with a bench shot without playing (the only one) right in the decisive game… the ‘final’ of Valencia to avoid relegation, with Baraja he started six times and in five came as a refresher. No goals. He is the second highest salary of the current squad.

Gabriel Paulista has played just 23 games. About half of the entire season. The third highest salary of the workforce. He has started in 20 games, in three I came out of refreshment … while in 10 he was left without being used.

That is what Meriton does not conceive. That players of such a consecrated level and who should be a flag in the team are not a reference which leads to that discrepancy.

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