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The career that nobody wants to study but has a 100% chance of finding a job

We are fully in exam time for the majority of students, making special mention to those who are examined for selectivity and with whose exams it will be possible to decide if they study or not the university degree they want. To do this, they must achieve a grade equal to or higher than the cut-off grade set by each university for each degree offered.

In this situation, there may be students who have been clear for a long time about what degree they want to study, others who have been thinking about it for a while and are hesitating between several options and others who are not entirely sure from which field or area to choose. The truth is that, from the institute, adolescents begin to talk about the option of studying at the university and that they begin to consider what studies they like or are most interested in for their future.

Often this decision becomes complicated, and many people feel that, having grown up, they might have taken another course. Although the decision is important for the future of these young people, it is true that it does not have to mark their future for life, since You can change studies or start others.

Even so, the final determination that students make, many times It is marked by the job opportunities that a certain career may have, being some very clear and specific and others much more subjective and open to different less secure options. Within the multitude of college degrees available, There are usually some that are much more employable than others, and in turn, be more or less popular when it comes to being chosen by students.

Today we look at one such option that They are not usually chosen to study at the university, but they have a degree of 100% employmentalthough this may seem unlikely. Its about Agricultural Engineering degree which, unlike today, in the 90s was in high demand, about 5,000 students per year.

Now students opt for other types of degrees and engineering, since the agronomist is not so attractive to young people, who associate this word with having to work in the field, as indicated by Rosario Haro, deputy director of Academic Organization of the Higher Technical School of Agricultural Engineering of the Polytechnic University of Madrid. Haro describes Agricultural Engineering studies as “the great unknown of biotechnologies” and believes that It has not been possible to correctly transmit to the students what the degree consists of and its importance.

People who do this career can find themselves with a high demand by companies, so employability is practically certain when leaving university. However, a notable drop in enrollment to study Agricultural Engineering, despite the fact that there is a “real need” on the part of companies to hire the profiles that are studying these studies.

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