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The cheapest and the most expensive: this will be the prices of some foods

Colombian food. REUTERS/Agustin Marcarian

After the announcement of the reduction of the inflation in the countrywhich was decisive for the value of food prices, mainly, the gaze of Colombians now rested on the changes that this effect would have on different products.

Faced with this, from one of the power stations food in the country located in the Colombian capital, Corabastos, announced the prices that some of the most consumed foods will have during the first weekend of May 2023.

Among the main foods, Snail Radio He learned that the supply of food such as sugar mangoes, as well as potatoes and cassava, will present a high supply during the weekend as it has been increasing in recent days. Some leafy vegetables such as chard and cauliflower will continue in this same trend.

On the other hand, the price dynamics mainly affected potatoes. Especially for the pastusa potato, which will be among the 65,000 and 80,000 pesos per package, depending on the selected quality. For the final consumer it will have a value of 1,000 pesos per pound.

The plantain, another of the foods most consumed by Colombians, will be at 1,800 pesos per kilo for wholesalers, and the hartón plantain at 3,000 pesos.

As for some foods that will remain stable, the rice, another one preferred by consumers, which will have a value of 52,000 pesos per arroba and 2,500 pesos per pound for the final consumer. Products of animal origin, in this case mainly protein, will remain at 11,500 pesos per pound.

According to information provided by the National Administrative Department of Statistics (DANE), In the Consumer Price Index (CPI) registered in the month of April, the category of food products would have presented a drop of -0.07%, which would be decisive for the official announcement of the drop in the price in the first days of May. inflation.

This issue that had the pockets of Colombians in trouble also generated changes in the ways of eating due to the significant rise in various foods in recent months.

In fact, the figures revealed the 10 foods that rose the most from April 2022 to this same month in 2023. Among them are: arracacha, yams and other tubers, bananas, sugar, legumes, canned vegetables, coffee, carrots, dried legumes, wheat, butter of animal origin and rice.

It was also found that foods such as condiments, culinary herbs, powdered milk and concentrates for the preparation of soft drinks had a fundamental increase only in April 2023.

Based on this information, it was found that in April 2023 other articles also had a considerable increase. Among them, the one of the alcoholic beverages and tobaccogiven that this type of product presented a rise of 1.43%, which meant the highest monthly variation in the CPI.

For the previous month, the main increases in their prices were due to products such as: cigarettes, tobacco, wine, champagne, wine-based aperitifs, brandy and sherry. While, those that rose the least were: rum, brandy, whiskey, vodka, gin, tequila, cognac, liqueur creams and beer.

In this same registry, it was found that foods such as: tomato, potato, cassava for the final consumer, blackberries, mineral water, raw brown sugar for the final consumer, orange, tree tomato and meat of animal origin (especially poultry) were the products with the lowest rate of increase in relation to their price during the last year.

Part of this dynamic is also subject to aspects such as the weather conditionswhere the normalization of rainfall in various areas of the national territory were decisive for the food supply in commercial establishments.

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