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The Christmas bunny: EDEKA and the Alzheimer Research Initiative eV raise awareness of the topic of living with dementia in a joint Easter campaign

Alzheimer Research Initiative e. V

Dusseldorf (ots)

In cooperation with the non-profit Alzheimer Research Initiative eV (AFI), EDEKA is launching an emotional campaign to support Alzheimer’s research and collect donations. The emotional film, which can be seen on EDEKA’s digital communication channels from March 24, gives an impression of how dementia affects everyday life and shows that the affected relatives are not alone in their situation. Parallel to the campaign, extraordinary EDEKA Christmas bunnies will be sold in the stores, with EDEKA donating one euro to the AFI from the proceeds.

Alzheimer’s disease is the most common form of dementia and causes, among other things, memory loss, confusion and problems with temporal and spatial orientation. With the emotional film, EDEKA shows how these cognitive disorders can affect: An elderly woman prepares her family’s holiday visit with a lot of effort and love. The touching spot shows that people with dementia may find it difficult to tell apart supposed fixed points such as public holidays or seasons. The film can be seen on the EDEKA YouTube channel from March 24:

“Alzheimer’s is a disease that can affect any of us. It is therefore important for us to make a contribution to making this topic more visible,” says Markus Mosa, CEO of the EDEKA Central Foundation & Co. KG. Together, AFI and EDEKA want to use the new Easter campaign to raise awareness of this disease and its consequences. In particular, how to recognize the first signs early and what options there are to mitigate their progression. “Alzheimer’s is the most common form of dementia and a major social challenge. That’s why we should all campaign for a cure for the disease,” says AFI Managing Director Oda Sanel. “We are pleased about the generous support of the EDEKA team. With the donations we would like to support important research projects at German universities that will help us all to defeat Alzheimer’s disease. In addition, our educational brochures can remain free of charge.”

During the campaign period from March 24, unique “Christmas bunnies” will be sold in EDEKA stores – a chocolate bunny with a Santa hat, bringing the message of the spot to the stores. For every Christmas bunny sold, EDEKA donates one euro to the AFI, which, in addition to independent research funding, also supports those affected and those interested with comprehensive information about the disease and individual advice.

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About the Alzheimer Research Initiative eV

The Alzheimer Research Initiative eV (AFI) is a non-profit association that bears the donation certificate of the German Donations Council eV. Since 1995, the AFI has funded research projects by dedicated Alzheimer’s researchers with donations and provided free information material to the public. To date, the AFI has supported 360 research activities with over 14.5 million euros and distributed over 925,000 guides and brochures. Those interested and affected can refer to provide well-founded information about Alzheimer’s disease and request educational material. Information on the work of the association and all donation options can also be found on the website. The AFI ambassador is the journalist and sports presenter Okka Gundel.

About the EDEKA network

The profile of the medium-sized and cooperative EDEKA association is based on the successful interaction of three stages: nationwide, around 3,500 independent retailers give EDEKA a face. At the retail level, they take on the role of local suppliers who stand for food quality and enjoyment. They are supported by seven regional wholesalers who deliver fresh goods to the EDEKA stores every day and are also at their side from sales to expansion issues. The EDEKA strategy is coordinated at the EDEKA headquarters in Hamburg. It controls the national goods business as well as the successful “We love food” campaign and gives a variety of impetus for the realization of cross-association goals. With its subsidiary, Netto Marken-Discount, it is also setting successful trends in the discount business. Specialist trade formats such as BUDNI or NATURKIND, cooperation with online-based delivery services such as Picnic and bulk consumer business with EDEKA Foodservice round off the wide range of services offered by the group of companies. In 2021, EDEKA achieved sales of EUR 62.7 billion with over 11,100 stores and around 405,000 employees. With around 19,900 trainees, EDEKA is one of the leading trainers in Germany.

Press contact:

Alzheimer Research Initiative eV (AFI)
Astrid Marxen
Kreuzstr. 34
40210 Dusseldorf
0211 – 86 20 66 28

Original content from: Alzheimer Research Initiative e. V., transmitted by news aktuell

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