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The City announces changes in Buenos Aires social plans: what will they be?

The head of the Buenos Aires government Horacio Rodriguez Larreta made announcements about changes in the social plans of the City and advanced what will be the first measure he takes in this matter if he is elected president.

“I promise here that if they elect President, on day one, December 10, I end with the intermediation of social plans. I end with social organizations that profit from the need of those who have less,” he said Tuesday at a conference of press.

Larreta formalized that, from now on, whoever is beneficiaries of the Ciudadania Porteña social plan they must access job training courses to continue receiving monetary assistance.

As he explained, the changes aim to enable the winners of the social program to develop skills that will help them access the labor market. “Beneficiaries must attend labor training courses according to their interests and knowledge to strengthen capacities,” he clarified.

He also added that the beneficiaries will also have access to job opportunities through intermediation. “The City will bring you job offers so that they can integrate into the formal market and thus generate more income and autonomy,” he said.

Within this framework, Larreta explained that two new considerations were added: “The first is training, training. We are going to offer courses oriented to the current and specific demands of the world of work. It will be mandatory and they will have to complete, at least, 40 hours of training per year. Those who do not comply, lose the program,” he said.

Larreta promotes changes in social plans

Regarding the second requirement, the head of government announced that it will have to do with getting a job and explained: “From the Government we are going to provide beneficiaries with offers related to their interests, their knowledge and the course they have taken. Going to the interviews and accepting the jobs will be mandatory. If there are more than two unexcused absences from job interviews or if more than two offers are rejected, they lose the program. It is the other way around today. We have to change that logic,” he summed up.

The presidential candidate recalled that the best social policy is work. “Just as we did in the City, we are going to take it to the whole of Argentina, because this is the basis for a country of progress, of upward social mobility,” he added.

“Argentines are experiencing very difficult days, of great anguish. The value of the dollar that does not stop rising is a symptom of that, uncontrolled inflation. The current government is the manual for everything that must not be done. They are wrong in everything. They failed,” concluded Larreta.

How the measures will be implemented

In a first stage, these new co-responsibilities will be for those beneficiaries of Porteña Citizenship who have between 25 and 60 years old, without dependent daughters and sons, and who do not have registered employment. It is a universe of around 10 thousand people.

Holders who meet the requirements must update their information. The process is mandatory and It can be done until May 31 virtually or in person at the headquarters of the Ministry of Human Development and Habitat, with prior appointment. If you did not do so by that time, the suspension of the benefit will be applied..

Based on this update, in which they will provide data on their educational trajectory, work experience and interests to develop, the socio-professional profile of each one will be defined to bring them closer to suitable training and employment offers.

The training will be provided by the Learning Agency, under the Ministry of Education. The beneficiaries will have to accredit a minimum of 40 hours of training for employment every 12 months. Compliance will be verified with quarterly checks.

In the cases in which no certificate is presented or there is no record in the GCBA training databases, the program will be suspended until the beneficiary proves registration or regular completion.

The available job trainings are: drywall tile installer; work painter; operator of digital presentation tools; operator of digital marketing tools; balancer rubber; application tester; professional bartenders; waiter and lounge boy; cell phone and tablet repairer; and data management and processing operator.

They are taken in a hybrid way, with face-to-face and virtual classes. Those who wish to register should contact (email protected)

Then, through labor intermediation, the City will bring job offers according to the beneficiary’s profile so that they can integrate into the formal market and thus generate more income and autonomy. The holders must appear for the interviews and may not be absent without justification for more than two. Otherwise, it will be suspended until the person conducts a new socio-employment interview.

In the event that the person rejects two job offers without proving a justified reason, the benefit will be suspended until they request registration again and carry out at least one activity to strengthen soft skills.

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