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The City Council will seek coordination with JMAS to provide water in neighborhoods with shortages

Juarez City.- The Municipal Government of Juárez will seek coordination with the Municipal Water and Sanitation Board (JMAS) of this town to address the shortage of drinking water service in some neighborhoods, it was announced in a press release.

The municipal president, Cruz Pérez Cuéllar, said in his weekly press conference that he will seek a working meeting in the coming days with Sergio Nevárez, president of the JMAS Juárez to define a strategy that allows providing water in the neighborhoods where the service presents deficiencies. .

“We are going to offer the support of the Municipal Government pipes, we want to do things differently and we will do it in a coordinated manner,” said President Pérez Cuéllar.

He commented that this initiative was born after the weekend he was approached in different activities by inhabitants of different neighborhoods, who asked for his support to negotiate with the JMAS for help to receive water in their homes.

He pointed out that he also entrusted the general director of Social Development to remain aware of the situation and find a way to support the community, for which reason it is expected that coordination with the JMAS will take place through this unit.

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