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The CNE has not yet published the presidential schedule

CNE decides date for elections, despite arguments and objections

CARACAS. – The National Electoral Council (CNE) The election schedule has not yet been published in the Electoral Gazette presidential which will take place on Sunday, July 28.

On March 5, the organization chaired by Elvis Amoroso, former comptroller general of the Nicolás Maduro regime, called the elections for the same day as the birth of the deceased commander Hugo Chávez. The entity published the election schedule on its website on March 7, but has not formalized it.

In a statement, the Venezuelan Electoral Observatory (OEV) said that “it is necessary to highlight that, although the calendar is on the Electoral Power page, it has not yet been published in the Electoral Gazette, act required by law for its officialization”.

The NGO maintained that within what has been published by the CNE so far only the “relevant milestones of the electoral schedule” appear corresponding to five activities: Special Election Day Record National and International Electoral (March 18 to April 16), selection of members of subordinate organizations (March 20); submission of applications (from March 21 to 25); cutting of the Preliminary Electoral Registry (April 16) and the electoral campaign (July 4 to 25).

Registration for presidential

From the Venezuelan Electoral Observatory they warned that the CNE’s hasty call for the presidential elections “affects the right to vote and international electoral observation”.

On the other hand, the OEV referred to data from the Voto Joven organization, according to which in Venezuela There are more than 3 million people of voting age (18 years or older) who are not registered in the Electoral Registry (ER).

“Abroad, according to the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR), there are 7.7 million Venezuelans and it is estimated that around 4 million have the right to vote, but in order to exercise it they must register or update their registration information. residence,” the NGO said.

The OEV pointed out that “although it is positive that the CNE highlights voting abroad within the update day, the scope will depend on the willingness of the electoral administration to deploy the greatest possible number of points, with the greatest operational capabilities. installed and location and operation facilities”.


Source: Venezuelan Electoral Observatory (OEV)

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