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The co-pilot of the plane crash in Nepal was married to the pilot who died in 2006

According to new information, the co-pilot of the plane that crashed in Nepal during this weekend she was the widow of a pilot who died in a similar accident during 2006 for the same airline. This is Anju Khatiwada, who joined Yeti Airlines in 2010, 4 years after the accident where her husband lost his life.

She paid for the aviation course with her husband’s life insurance.

According to the information that was released to the public, the woman, who was co-pilot of the plane that fell on the mountain, she had paid for the aviation course and made her career after her husband died in a plane crash where the plane he was driving with few people fell shortly after taking off. Only four years later the woman joined the flag carrier of Nepal where he worked until his passing over the weekend.

As a company employee told The Guardian, she had already flown that route on many occasions and was accompanied by an instructor pilot as is usually done in such cases. She had more than 6,400 flight hours and normally made the route between Kathmandu, the capital of Nepaland Pokhara, the second most populous city in the country.

The black box was found during Monday.

Khatiwada lost his life in the accident where a plane with 72 people crashed in the Himalayas, an accident that became the largest air accident in the history of the little asian nation in more than 3 decades. Local police are still searching for the bodies, of which only 68 could be recovered. The black box has already been recovered and the specialists are working to decipher the content and thus find out what caused the vehicle to fall in weather that should not cause problems.

the last moments

In a Facebook video that was recorded live, it was possible to see what the moments were like before this plane crashed into the ground. It is that four friends of Indian nationality who were above the vehicle made a Facebook live at the time the accident occurred.

The 29-year-old who made the Facebook live where the final moments of the plane were seen.

In it it was possible to see that the people on board had no idea that something strange was happening, because no warning sign appeared. The video was verified by another friend who was going to travel with them but had to stay at home due to the death of a family member.

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