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The cold fronts are not over yet, the 39th will cause rain in these states of Mexico

As our grandparents used to say: “Crazy February, March a little bit more”. If it dawned in its parts cloudiness they should know that the cold fronts are not over yet. What’s more, the Cold Front 39 is prowling the Gulf of Mexicoso it will bring rain to these states of our country.

It is likely that in Puebla, Veracruz and Oaxaca record punctual and intense rains even heavy to very heavy rains, electric shocks and hailstorms – the Yucatan Peninsula must also be included in this list, according to information from the National Meteorological Service (SMN).

Photo: Rubén Espinosa-Cuartoscuro.

And… in addition to the rains, the SMN forecasts wind from northern component with gusts of up to 70 km/h on the coast of the Gulf of Mexico. But that is not all. Do we follow him?

The Cold Front 39 will cause rains in these states of Mexico

Yes, the Cold Front 39 will spread “with stationary characteristics” over the Gulf of Mexico but also in the east and northeast of the country.

And it will have interaction with a low pressure channel in the south, which is why rains are expected in Puebla, Veracruz, Oaxaca and the Peninsula as we already told you above.

Photo: @conagua_clima

And since we are in March (we already know it) not everything is even. Our country will also record the entry of moisture from the Pacific, so there will be rains, showers and electric shocks -with possible hail fall- in western, central and southern areas of Mexico.

Although the heat will also follow. A hot to very hot environment is expected in most of Mexico, as forecast maximum temperatures above 40°C in Michoacán, Guerrero, Campeche and, Yucatán?

What about CDMX?

Ya van 3 consecutive days that CDMX and Edomex register strong winds in the afternoons and well, with the forecast shared by the Conagua (National Water Commission) we know that in some areas of the Valley of Mexico intervals of showers are expected.

Partly to cloudy skies throughout March 14, with a probability of rain and intervals of showers, electrical discharges and, in one of those, hail fall.

Photo: Martín Zetina-Cuartoscuro.

The wind is likely to have a variable direction of 15 to 30 km/h with gusts of 50 kilometers per hour and, yes again, there are likely to be dust storms.

To top it all off, expect a minimum temperature of 10 to 12°C and maximum temperature of 22 to 24°C in CDMXwhile in the State of Mexico it is expected to range from 5 to 7°C, with a maximum of 21 to 23°C.

And yes, “Crazy February, a little bit March” with this Cold Front 39 and the rains that are coming in the southern and central zone, in contrast to the north of the country.

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