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The confirmed loss that Cruz Azul will have for matchday 14

Deportivo Cruz Azul achieved an important victory on matchday 13 by visiting the Tuzos de Pachuca whom they defeated 0-2 and with this they were able to stay in eighth place in the standings with 20 units.

There are four commitments left in the regular phase and the Machine will seek to perform at its best to improve its position in the general table in the face of a reclassification or direct Liguilla.

Unfortunately for the group commanded by Ricardo ‘Tuca’ Ferrettifor matchday 14 they will not be able to count on a permanent starter and one of their best players on the pitch.

It will be the Guarani defender, Juan Escobarwho received his fifth yellow card in the tournament, for which he will be suspended for the next game and will not see action on date 4.

Juan Escobar is suspended for date 14 / Jam Media/GettyImages

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“The professional player who, by Regulation, accumulates the first five reprimands in an official tournament, due to the offenses established in article 15, will cause a game suspension”, dictates the sanctions regulation of the Liga MX in its article 16.

On the other hand, it should be noted that the Paraguayan defender was the best player of the match between the hidalguenses and celestes, and was recognized by Liga MX itself on social networks after the end of the match.

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