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The Constitutional Court of Ecuador admitted the request for impeachment against President Guillermo Lasso

The Constitutional Court of Ecuador admitted the request for impeachment against President Guillermo Lasso. (Reuters)

With 6 votes in favor and 3 saved votes, the Constitutional Court of Ecuador approved on Wednesday prosecution against President Guillermo Lasso for being the political manager of a corruption scheme in public companies, in which his brother-in-law the businessman Danilo Carrera appears.

“In the opinion it was determined that it is the responsibility of the Court to carry out an analysis of both the procedure and the content of the request, to guarantee the balance of powers between the executive and legislative functions, and to ensure that the institution of the impeachment of the President of the Republic It is not used arbitrarily or unreasonably,” the institution said in a statement.

For the request for a trial against the president to be approved, the positive votes of at least six of the nine judges were necessary.

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