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The country is going to hell: Donald Trump

Florida.— Former President Donald Trump criticized the situation in the United States and said that the country “is going to hell”, in a speech after the hearing where he was formally charged with 34 felonies derived from paying a porn actress during his campaign in 2016 He also accused that the prosecution uses the justice system for electoral purposes.

The tycoon spoke from Palm Beach, Florida, after returning from New York, where he was fingerprinted and pleaded not guilty in a Manhattan court.

“I never thought that something like this could happen in the United States, the only crime I have committed has been to defend our nation from those who seek to destroy it,” he told his followers, who cheered and applauded the former president’s speech.

“Our country is going to hell,” he said.

Trump criticized the country’s economy and the world situation of unions between Russia, China and North Korea, which, according to the former President, would not have happened if he had continued in the Presidency. He stressed that the invasion of Ukraine would not have happened either.

He warned that the Biden Administration is leading the country to a Third Nuclear World War, an issue that was not even discussed during his term.

Regarding the charge he faces, he criticized District Attorney Alvin Bragg and said he campaigned on his case. The auditorium received the mention of the prosecutor with boos. He also stressed that there is no case against him and called the accusation “ridiculous.”

“The criminal is the District Attorney because he illegally leaked large amounts of grand jury information.”

He noted that for this reason law enforcement officials should be prosecuted.

Also, he denounced threats against his team and maintained that the tactics used by the Prosecutor’s Office are typical of the Soviet Union, accusing pressure to testify against him.

Trump noted the support he has received from other Republicans, noting that people unrelated to him said the allegations were “not right” and “not the right way to go.”

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