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The crime in the nursing home of La Plata: seconds of horror in the room and the blows with the railing

Moments of shock were experienced yesterday, when after six o’clock in the afternoon, a grandfather who was admitted to the “Cuatro Estaciones” health center in Tolosa, died after being violently beaten on the skull with a wooden railing .

As this newspaper said on Friday afternoon, the 78-year-old victim was identified as Ricardo Óscar Yazkan. When police personnel arrived at the scene, they found the lifeless patient in room 35 of the center. “A person died in the nursing home where the defendant, after an argument, hit him with a wooden railing,” detailed the official report provided by the spokespersons.

It should be noted that Yazkan had arrived at the Home for the Elderly on March 22, after being diagnosed with “Organic Fronto-Temporal Dementia”, and today he would have formally completed a month inside the center. On the other hand, the 69-year-old perpetrator of the crime arrived on November 14, 2022 and suffers from “long-standing schizophrenia with cognitive impairment.”

According to what was known, official spokesmen also reported that “as a result of the blows, the man loses his life, lying in the very bed where he lives.” In these hours, the causes continue to be investigated, sources revealed that it would have started as a result of an alleged fight between the protagonists of the fatal outcome. However, in this case, the Justice may consider the defendant inimputable due to the state in which he is.

After the fact, investigated by the prosecutor Virginia Bravo of the Functional Instruction Unit (UFI) 7 of the La Plata Judicial Department, the defendant remains in the place, separated from the rest of the people, with medical care and custody.

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