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The curious shopping list that Dani Alves made in prison: they gave him 100 euros and he spent only 17.33

Tuesday, January 31, 2023 | 8:15 a.m.

The footballer is serving a week in jail, waiting for his defense to file an appeal to the Barcelona Court. Dani Alves, accused of an alleged sexual assault on a 23-year-old girl, adjusts to life in the Brians 2 prison. According to the Spanish media Telecinco, the footballer would have received a card with a value of 100 euros to be able to buy several products.

Despite having all this money at his disposal, the Brazilian chose to save and spent only 17.33 euros: he bought six yoghurts for 0.50 euro cents, four cans of tuna for 0.88 euro cents, a shampoo for €2.42; a deodorant for 2.39 euros; and four energy drinks for 1.5 euros.

Dani Alves did not want to watch television in jail
Among the options that the footballer had at his disposal was also having access to a television. However, the ex-Barcelona did not want to watch TV because he wants to stay out of what is said abroad, according to the journalist Silvia Álamo.

Dani Alves broke the silence from jail after the abuse complaint
The Brazilian’s confessions were made from multiple sources, official and unofficial, inside and outside the prison, according to the Spanish journalist Mayka Navarro.

According to the Spanish newspaper La Vanguardia, the ex-Barcelona would have stated: “I will accept whatever comes. I left home when I was barely 15 years old. I have overcome in my life very difficult and complicated situations. This will be one more that will pass. Nothing scares me.”

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